Azalia Lakes •3

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Azalea POV:

I can hear voices, but my eyes won't open. Why won't my eyes open?

Tre'Mon Sr:

Tatiana haven't shut up since we got here. It seems every five minutes she's falling out all over again. I'm so fucking tired of this shit. The longer I sit here, the longer I have to be around dying people. In the room next to Azalea is some lazy who sounds like she's about to give in at any second. Then next to her is one of the car pile up victims. Then next to that is our neighbor--wait our neighbor?

I nudge Tati but she's still crying, so I nudge her again.

"Nigga what the hell you hitting me for, my bestfriend is in a coma, I can cry!!"

"Tati shut up, aint that our neighbor," I put my head down to not make it obvious, but
Tati loud ass just about screams, 'Who?!' I motion for her to be quiet.

"Awe my bad, oh him. Yeahhh that's the man who's been cheating on his wife. Remember the one who gave y'all a spare key, speaking of cheating, that's the woman he was cheating on her with, right there!" She tilts her head in the direction of one of the conscious car pile up victims drinking water in the waiting room.

"Should I call his wife? I mean she does have a right to know what's happening right? She has to have seen it on the news or something,"

"Look I say we just stay out of this-- what are you doing"

"I'm calling her, its the right thing to do."

"Right thing to do my ass. That woman aint invite y'all to not one dinner," She put her index finger in front of her face like she's the teacher. "Don't you get up while I'm talki--"

Her voice fades away as I walk down the hall to a place that's way more quiet.

"Hello is this Ms.Cassie?" The woman on the phone doesn't sound like she's going through an affair.

"Oh no darling this is her mother. Can I take a message?"

"Okay. I'm sorry to deliver such bad news...uhmmm...I'm her next door neighbor-"

"Oooooohh the black folk with the nice house next door, you know y'alls son is so adorable. I thought I invited you all to tonights little festivities, If youre calling to say you couldn't come--" she sounds a little drunk, I can tell shes a handful.

"Uhn...yeah..the black folk next door...listen I'm actually calling to tell you that George-"

"You know George? That lying ass bitch, never was any good for my daughter. He aint even come home tonight and she let him and his whore drive in her BMW to the mall and where is this sleezer? I hope he's getting raped by some maggots somewhere, excuse my language baby,"

"No, no ma'am me and George aren't associates, or none of that. I'm actually trying to tell you that theres been an accident,"

"What kind of accident?" She kind of sounded concerned.

"He's been in a wreck, he's here at the hospital right now. He's not looking too good,"

"Is he still alive?" Her voice was starting to sound weak...

"It seems like he's pretty stable now, my friends here at this hospital know how to do their job pretty well,"

"Well aint that about a bitch-" I look at my phone in confusion "- Cassie your bitch ass husband got himself in a wreck. Your car is fucked and he's in the hospital!!- thank you for your kind services neighbor,"

By now I cant even peel my eyes away from my phone. She just hung up on me.

I go back to sit next to Tati, and surprisingly she isn't ballin anymore.

"They said the swelling in her brain has gone down and they're gonna bring her out of the coma soon. She only suffers from a mild concussion and a bruised spine from the rock she hit. We really got lucky,"

I nodded then leaned my head back. By the time I woke up the hospital was chaotic. A lot of the crash victims were wondering why they couldn't go home yet, some were screaming, others getting violent. In the midst of it all , I could only focus on her. I felt like suddenly my life went into slow mo.

You know how in the movies a boy sees a pretty girl and everything just slows down. She has butterflies and fireworks coming from her hair and stuff?

Yeah, that's what's happening right now. Except it wasn't so pretty, she had a black eye, bruised arm, hair was uneven, she looked kinda dusty, but she was sitting up....staring at me. I smiled then she tried to smile but winced instead. I guess it might've hurt a little bit. I pushed through the crowd of angry people slowing making progress to her room. The closer I got to her the more I can feel the tears filling my eyes.

"Hey baby,"

Her voice was weak, but it was still hers.

"Hey love," I kiss her forehead, then her cheeks, then her lips. She flinches but manages to keep herself up "I was so scared, Tre wanted to be here but I didn't want him to be round all of this. You know how I am about hospitals. He had a breakdown. I didn't know what to do-" My tears started flowing from my eyes to my mouth "- I couldn't help him, I couldn't calm him down, I couldn't do anything. Tati been here this whole time, I don't know where she's at right now but shes been crying. Everybody's been crying but I been trying to hold it together baby. I been holding it together. If it wasn't for George you would've been dead. I don't know what I would've done if I would've lost you. Tre feels bad enough he hasn't talked to you since the whole scarring him incident. Baby this family isn't nothing without you. I'm just rambling now but baby, baby what would I've done without you,"

Azalea POV:

Seeing him cry like this makes my heart break. Maybe because it's just so unlike him.

"It's okay baby get up off that floor before you mess up your pants, I just washed them. have you told Tre I'm up yet?"

"No, its a school night but I'll bring him to see you when he gets out. I swear when you get out of this hospital Imma plan us a nice little vacation,"

Even though it hurts, I smile. He really tries his best to be a good husband to me. For that I'm truly thankful to God. While he talks, I just cant help but to focus on his lips, the way he was on his knees crying - LAWD- just wait till I can stand again,"

We sit in silence for a while with my head on his chest till I drift off to sleep. Which didn't last long.

I felt Tre'Mon's body heat leave me and my eyes immediately flew open. Outside of my door was the lady I caught sneaking out of my neighbor's house. I wipe my eyes to clear the sleep-crumbles blocking my eyesight.

What is she doing her?

"What the hell is she doing here?" Tre'Mon voiced my thoughts walking towards the door. I tried to follow him but felt too weak.

Tatiana leaped from her seat looking like she wanted to kill the scrawny girl.

"What just happened?" I asked the spectating Tre'Mon.

He looked at me with a dramatic scorn, the shadow cast by the door covered half of his face.

"She said the one word no non-black should say..."

I gasp, it probably came out more dramatic than it should have but still. Next thing I know Tatiana has the girl on the floor, whamming her shit.

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