Marc Delgado •1

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This morning the office was quiet when I stepped off the elevator. Everyone looked up from their white plain cubicles then immediately when back to work. Usually there would be a phone ring here and chirp of gossip there, but today there was nothing.

Soon enough all eyes returned to their respected computer screens, and work resumed.

I wonder what that's all about.

There was one place I knew I could find the answer to my question... The Water cooler.

Like many big offices the water cooler is the gossip centre. If anything scandalous was to happen in New York, the water cooler would be the place to find out about it. How do I know? Because I'm the #1 gossip writer in the city. It's my job to know about everything!

When I walked in the room, everyone went from laughing to complete silence.

Immediately I spot Arthur, my co-worker, across the room. As I walked towards him I saw people silently slip out one by one.

"What's their problem?" I whispered.

"Word's been going around that Nicky's been fucking the boss. Last night they got caught in his office creating a little truffle-butter. Apparently he dumped her, then fired her," He gave me a sly smile.

Nicky was probably the only co-worker I really talked to on the daily bases. I guess in a way you can call her my best friend, but sleeping with the boss! Why wasn't I informed?!

This rumor is big! I mean bigger than Clinton fucking his secretary behind Hillary's back. Okay, maybe not, but to us it is. She's probably heart broken right now.

"Wow, that's interesting,"

"And get this..." He continued "Everyone thought you were the one fucking Nicky,"

"That's why I've been getting the stink-eye and stares all morning?" I laughed with tears forming in my eyes. "Cole's really an asshole for firing her, but she's also pretty stupid for doing it in the office. And with him of all people! Imma call her when i get to my office. Shut down that rumor of me fucking with her. Immediately," I say the last word harsher than I should've but it always gets the job done.

When I got to my office I closed the blinds immediately making an a-line to the phone.

"Oh My God, Nicky baby its gon' to be okay," I could not bear to hear the news. I'm probably being so dramatic right now,but does it look like I give a fuck.

"No its not, I'm so done with him. I gave him everything!"

I don't hate many things in this world, but I do hate when people fuck with my Nicky. Nicky isn't some nobody, she is the writer, every writer wishes they could be. I don't know how she does what she does, I do know she flawlessly.

"It's okay honey, he was a hoe anyways," I love Nicky dearly, but she's way to emotional. I can hear trying to hide her sniffles from me over the phone.

" But I thought he was the one though," she whined.

I sighed.

"Not to be mean Nicky honey, but you think every guy who stays with you for at least 3 weeks is the one."

"He told me he loves me,"

Cue the waterworks.

"He probably loved your money sweetie," The words rolled off my tongue before I could stop them.

Oh lord me and my big mouth. After those words I hear her scream like the world has ended. By reflex I dropped the phone leaving it hanging by the cord.

"Drama queen..." I mumbled picking up the phone. "Stop being so dramatic. Don't you have a bestseller to write?"

Working for Vogue was one thing, but writing books was a hobby gone right.

Her sniffles are growing farther from each other, that's good... I hope...

"You know what? You're right. The next book I write is going to be about him," I can sense the confidence growing in her voice.

"I don't think that's very smart,"

"Taylor Swift does it all the time. So why can't I?" One thing that scares me more than a confident Nicky, is a mad AND confident Nicky.

"Fine do what you want. I'm going to finish this article for Vogue then head home," I let out a deep sigh dramatically throwing my hands in the air.

"I'm stressing you aren't I? I'm so so sorry Marc! I will not speak of Cody again! Matter of fact I'll make it up to you this weekend. Mani Peddis for two!" Then she clicks.

I chuckled. I loved getting pampered. Homosexual or not, every man should deserves to get pampered.

By time I get home its 11:38 p.m, to late to cook so I lay down in my bed wearing nothing. When I finally start to dose off someone knocks at the door.

"Do I get a fucking break..." I grumble under my breath. The knocks keep coming but they get more urgent. "I'm coming!"

I look to the clock, 1:34 a.m.

Who the fuck?!? I think to myself as I reach for the knob. I slowly open the door...

"Hey Marc,"

The corner of my lips curved into a sly smile.

"Hey Cole"

"So babes, I've been giving it some thought. I think we should just stop creeping around," he stretches across my bed, clearly making himself at home.

"Hm...Creeping like you were doing with my best friend? Get the fuck out."

"Here we go with this again, she was just a cover up. I have to maintain my image somehow."

" A cover up Cole?! You used my best friend to protect your image? I don't understand why you have to hide yourself from everybody anyways. You're a grown powerful man in 2016 who's scared of the opinions the world might have against you. That's pathetic. Get over yourself. You don't understand how many young teenagers would look up to you."

"I didn't come here to argue with you. I missed you,"

He signals me to come to the bed, but I refuse. I turn away from him then walk to the kitchen for a midnight snack. By the sound of foot patter behind me I can tell he's following me.

He kisses my neck, catching me off guard. Then everything goes down from there- all the way down.

His soft lips wrap around my dick making my knees slightly buckle. The thought of him fucking my best friend completely slipped my mind. Right now I was just a squirrel trying to get me a nut.


Currently I'm re-writing most of the chapters. Now I'm in college and won't have to deal with high school teachers telling me to take down my books. Ways to contact me:

Twitter: aliveliketupac

Instagram: _lil_red_ridin_hood

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