Mage Of Time

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Mage of Time: One who Understands with Time or Understands Time
Mages will uniquely experience their Aspect, both good and bad. As a result, they gain a unique understanding of what their Aspect is or does. Their challenge is to become open to new insight or different perspectives than their own.
A Mage of Time might have trouble enjoying things, thinking what's the point, it's going to die or break eventually anyway. They have definitely experienced loss in some way or another, something ended that was close to them, a life of someone dear, a favorite clock, or maybe even the ability to sing or make music or play an instrument. They are haunted by the knowledge of unavoidable fates and destinies. Maybe they suffer from everything moving too fast or to slow around them. Or maybe they were in the unique position to be able to help another through their own loss, and gained the experience and understanding from that. Time also has to do with rhythms and repetitions, patterns and routines, so they made have lifed a life full of routine and pattern, and not much variation, giving them a strong sense and understanding of patterns, and experience rcognizing all kinds of patterns within themselves and other, either healthy or unhealthy, and have a good eye for recognizing habits.
Maybe they have a large annoying clock that plays annoying music that hurts their ears, but now it's happened so often the sound is now stuck in their heads, or maybe they've gone deaf. Maybe their haunted by a song or sound they can no longer hear or play. It would be a surprise to see someone be unaffected by all this, it would be likely for them to have at least a mild form of depression. They would be extremely hard to motivate, even I they know how to do things. They would know they're stuck in a rut doing the same things and can't get out of it. Maybe they have an innate talent or natural inclination for dance or rhythm or music, having a personal understanding of movement and tune and abstract patterns.
They could also have the unfortunate luck to be standing around waiting for people a lot. They also always know what Time it is, maybe because they are so used to either accidentally being late, or having other people be late on them. They are extremely aware of Time and may be prone to counting down the seconds until something horrible happens. There are lots of possibilities and not all Mages of Time would have all the same things happened to them. The Master from Doctor Who is a great example of a Mage of Time.


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