Maid Of Time

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Maid of Time: One who Creates with Time or Creates Time
Maids start out relying on others for their aspect. They're often treated like doormats, dismissed or pushed around by those they rely on. Their challenge is to learn to rely on themselves for their Aspect.
A Maid of Time, Like Aradia, would have started out relying on others to finish things, unable to squish the spider by themselves so to speak, before she was dead and while she was a ghost, at this point she relied on others to tell her what to do and be patient with her, though Aradia rose to her challenge very quickly and learned to depend on herself. Other Maids of Time might spend longer in this first stage than Aradia, relying on others for solid concrete things or ideas, or even something as simple as what time is it.
When they rise to their challenge and start relying on themselves, they in essence start choosing their own fates and destinies. They trust their own instincts instead of the instincts of others and learn how to finish fights themselves. Because sound and music are a part of Time, a Maid of Time might rely on others to "hear" things or be told what it sounds like, they might be deaf, but rising to their challenge they would rely on themselves to know, maybe by getting a hearing aid or lip reading, and also getting a watch to know what Time it is.
They become a lot more self-sufficient anyway. Maybe they even stop listening to others music and start conducting and creating their own. I like to think of time as moments and more specifically memories as well, so this could be another thing that they might start out relying on others for but eventually rely on themselves for, they might begin with bad memories but eventually that gets better. They're also amazingly patient with themselves and others, being "Made" of Time and are only in a rush or a hurry when it's absolutely necessary.


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