Thief Of Time

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Thief of Time: One who Steals with Time or Steals Time
Thieves have good intentions, and might be egocentric. They have natural confidence with their Aspect, but hide insecurities and hate being seen as weak. Their challenge is to learn to let others have their Aspect as well
A Thief of Time would have natural talent with a musical instrument of choice, singing ability or even conducting ability to the point of arrogance and not admitting mistakes when they happen. They would also have an inner natural clock that keeps them in time. They would have a talent for stealing the patience out of others, by being annoying and persistent about whatever it is they want. They might even claim to have natural talent with making music, or writing lyrics, but eventually it's discovered that they stole it from someone else.
They probably have a bad habit of stealing credit for any well-made music or well written lyrics they come across out of jealousy. "Diva" describes them to a T and they want a monopoly on everybody's Time so they can perform for their friends all the time, but end up eventually stealing away their patience for the Thief's antics as well. They may go so far as to try to deprive others of their destiny and fate of being famed for musical talent out of jealousy and want. A part of this also makes them ambiguous with the origins of their great music and song writing.
They might have even stolen musical instruments. They may also simply get others to do lengthy tasks that they feel too lazy to do, thus stealing their time for themselves that way. They may have problems with procrastination as well. Their challenge is to take Time for them to do what they want or need themselves, instead of simply stealing it away from others to make them do it.


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