Mage Of Breath

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Mage of Breath: One who Knows with Breath or Knows Breath
Mages will uniquely experience their Aspect, both good and bad. As a result, they gain a unique understanding of what their Aspect is or does. Their challenge is to become open to new insight or different perspectives than their own.
A Mage of Breath would experience Breath almost in its entirety somehow. They would be disconnected from everything and everyone, apathetic to the going on's of the world around them, constantly traveling or moving, never being tied down to a single place. Through these experiences they would Know many things about Breath or how to be very Breathy, you can't catch them, they will escape every time. They know every loophole and twist and turn and can navigate their way around even unfamiliar territory. For some reason I could see a Mage of Breath being very good at parkour type activities. They've been forcibly moved around, had their roots torn up more than once, so they've learned to quickly settle into strange places or pack up shop and get out without a trace as they need.
I think they would have an underlying sadness about this kind of life though, maybe wanting to be more connected, but their life experiences just not allowing that for the time being. They might gravitate towards connections only to have them drift away again, only to pack up and move on once more. They understand how to give themselves more options in almost any situation, how to place any odds in their favor as needed. They can weasel out of anything. I think they would also have at heart a very relaxed and easygoing nature, but if they aren't constantly running then they are still walking, still traveling, still playing, still daydreaming of the easy life where they truly don't have to worry about anything.
They understand when situations where having too many connections to a person, too many promises or bonds or holds from other people would drag them down too much. Let them be caught. They are always simultaneously trying to escape every cage and tether without being blown off the ground completely, balancing that delicate balance between walking and flight, which is why I see them as high jumpers, parkour people, never on the ground or in the air for too long. I could also see them spending some time as an actual ghost, or having some kind of power to turn invisible, immaterial or ghostlike as needed.


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