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*******3 WEEKS LATER**************


its been 3 weeks since anybody has heard from or seen Major. I've seen trina around a lot. I moved into my own little town house. Yes still in the projects. I pulled up to my place to see everybody sitting on the stoop. I jumped out my car and went inside the house. I changed into some pink booty shirts, a black tank top, and some pink and black jordans.  I went back outside and everybody starred at me. I sat on the stoop next to Jordan and Tameka.

Ciara- why yall starring at me?

Tameka (whispers)- BOO Major just pulled up and trina lives in the town house across from you.

I looked over to Shawn and Jordan and they were to high and drunk to even look over this way. Zae and Trey weren't here because they had to go help my dad with the drop. I got up and put my hair in a ponytail. and walked over to major car and looked at the license plate and it says MAJOR on it. I walked back over to my stoop and sat down. I took the blunt from jordans lips and smoked it up. soon later everybody left and I went inside.

 PLAY SONG ON SIDE------------------------------------------------

************ 3 AM******************

I was sleeping until I heard someone banging on my front door like the police. I got up and grabbed my robe and ran downstairs to cuss somebody out. When I opened it Major was standing there Shocked, surprised, and full of lust.

Ciara- why the hell you knocking on my front door like you the 5'0 nigga

Major- I see you missed me. babe can I come in

Ciara- nigga did you not learn your lessons from me leaving notes, messing up yo momma car, and trashing yo house,


Ciara- yep it sure was fool.   

He bust straight in the door. and sat down on the couch. I ran upstairs and called my momma

Angie- he...hello Ciara why are you calling at 3 in the morning (my dad in the background asking whats wrong)

Ciara- can you call zae and trey and tell them to come to my house Major bust in and im bout to go to jail tonight I love you bye ma.

Angie- don't do noth (gco)

I hung up because I was prepared to fight. And this time i'm not stopping unless either him or I was dead.


Its fucking 4 a.m in the morning and Angie was calling me

Zae- Hello

Angie- (screams)- Zae get trey and go to Ciara house Major is over there and she said she going to jail tonight.

Zae- ight ma

I hung up and yes I called her ma because she is like a mother to me. I got dressed and strapped up. I woke up trey and was ready in 5 minutes. We ran out the house and drove to cece house.

**********30 minutes later*************

We pulled up and saw the lights on. We heard yelling and screaming coming from Ciara. We heard her throwing plates and stuff. We walked up to the house and saw the front door wide open. We walked in and stepped to the side and watched. We was going to jump in when the time was right.

Ciara- you just come up in my house and (throws knives and plates) Think you could just try and get me back

Major- Ciara I just came over to talk about how i'm really sorry for not ....... killing you when I first met you

Ciara looked at him and her eye color changed to full blown red and black. she grabbed all the knives and threw them at him. 2 of them stabbed him in the thighs. and 1 stabbed him in the shoulder. trey was jumping up and down cheering on Ciara.


I looked at Major and saw that I had stabbed him. GOOD!!! But im only just beginning. I walked over to him and yanked him up. He looked at me and in his eyes he had sorrow in them. Well too late I gave him to Zae.

Ciara- Take him to daddys warehouse ill be there in 15 minutes.

Zae -ight lil one

They left and I ran upstairs and showered. I brushed my teeth and washed my face and got dressed.

I drove to the ware house and walked in. I saw my dad my mom and my cousins.

I walked over to major who was tied up to the chair looking at me crying. I bent down to his level and sat in between his legs.

Ciara- why?

Major- why what?

Ciara- why did you hurt me

Major- because ............... I didn't want you to leave me


he gave it to me and I stood up and poured it on his wounds. He screamed. I really didn't feel like torturing him so I grabbed the gun and pointed to him

Ciara- any last words

Major- just know deep down I really did love you. and what I did to you I really do regret. I never thought I would fall in love but you changed it but I messed up. if I could go back in time I would change everything I did to you. CIARA QUAY JOHNSON I LOVE YOU FOREVER AND ALWAYS.

And with those words I shot him 3 times in the middle of his head. and started crying. i'm not crying because I just killed somebody. i'm crying because when I looked in his eyes really did say he was sorry and he did love me. But whats done is done. I stood up and left. That was Major's finale goodbye.

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