aint thinking bout you

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SONG ON THE SIDE-------------------------------------

Jordan pov

today everybody was going to hang at OG house. I know Ciara going to be there. OG hates derrick so she doesn't bring him around us anymore. THANK GOD. But I do miss my best friend so imam try to make things right with her.


I kissed derrick goodbye because he was going to the trap and I was going to my parents house. When I rolled up everybody car was here. I walked right in the house and saw everybody having fun and laughing. Jordan looked at me and his eyes says sorry.

Ciara- so how everybody doing

Zae- we all cool we should be asking you that question

Ciara- what do you mean

Zae- its hot as hell outside and your wearing jeans sneakers and a long ass coat.

Ciara- I ...uh maybe i'm just cold

Zae- you look pale cuz what the hell wrong with you and you look like your skinner

Ciara- zae nothing is wrong your just high my ninja

I don't know what this nigga talking about its fucking fall and its windy outside. I aint bout to get sick so im dressing for the weather. And as for getting skinner and pale I didn't even notice that.

Tameka- Zae you smoked 5 blunts your blown you seeing things she has gotten thicker in certain areas.

Ciara- aint that the truth

Tameka- wait ...................... Ciara are you

Jordan- SHE BETTA NOT BE !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everybody looked up at Jordan who was pissed off. I don't understand for.

Shawn- Jordan sit cho ass down she aint I can tell

Ciara dad- She aint what?

Since zae was so blown he started cracking up really hard

Zae- hahaha pops she pregnant


Ciara- dad i'm not pregnant I know that for a fact


Ciara- because I haven't had sex since the thing with Major happened.

Ciara dad- good lets keep it like that

Jordan- yo Ciara can I holla at you for a minute in the back

Ciara- sure..............

I got up and he led the way. We made it towards my bedroom. And he sat on my bed and started the convo.

Jordan- Ciara I want to apologize for the way I have acted towards you in the past 9 months. your the only female in my life that ever became something important to me in life. your my best friend and always will be. I love you always remember that

Ciara- Jordan I forgive you but do you mind me asking you why did you treat me like that. if i'm your best friend why didn't you just talk to me. that night on my birthday you really did hurt me I didn't even get an explanation that day.

Jordan- okay well its just that derrick and me use to be real cool but one day that nigga just got soo caught up in the game he decided to try and kill me for a car. and not just any car it was a car where everything is made of gold aka money I didn't so he shot me and when I went looking for him for 6 months he disappeared from earth then all of a sudden he shows up at the mall.

Ciara- why didn't you just say that shit I wouldn't have gave him a chance

Jordan- Ciara be honest with me please

Ciara- ive always been

Jordan- that night at club when he got mad what happened on yall date

Ciara- Jordan .......... he uhh

before I said anything the door bust open with a drunk high Zae. THANK THE LORD.

Zae- cece can you take me home please

Ciara- sure lets go bye bestfriend.

I didn't take zae home I pretended to and took him to my room and let him sleep in my bed.


That night I went to the club. I was thinking about Ciara what was she going to say. what did he do to my future. I decided to forget all about all that.

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