9 months later

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Ciara pov

Me and derrick have been dating for 9 months. In those 9 months Me and Jordan got really distant we don't see each other anymore unless its a family gathering at Momma and daddy house. my mom and dad got back together. Shawn and Tameka had a little break up but they got back together. My other friend Shania finally came back home but she's been a little shady lately. Me and derrick have our moments but we make up in the end.

Jordan pov

I haven't heard from Ciara in 9 months. Why well because i'm in love with her but she is dating derrick. No i'm not jealous of derrick but we use to be real cool but he went against me and tried to kill me over a fucking car. Then he disappeared from earth. Then at the mall he all of a sudden appears back on earth.


Shawn and I are doing great. we broke up for 2 weeks and got back together. we broke up because I found out he been lying to me about where he been. Then when I found out that he was at a strip club and he fucked another girl then I left him. Then I guess the strippers name is candy she came to my house and said she drugged his drink and made him have sex with her. She looked soo familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it.

Shawn pov

I know Tameka told you guys whats been going on with us. anyways I have been hanging with Jordan and Ciara cousins. Jordan been looking depressed ever since Ciara got with derrick.

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