One: A roses thorns are sharp

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A roses thorns are sharp, but my knives are sharper.

School was finally over. I sighed in relieve while walking down the sidewalk in my neighborhood. Kuro behind me, she kept on talking about the flowers that just blossomed. "Hey (name) are we going to watch black Butler when we go to your house!" I stopped in the middle of the cross walk. My eyes widened, I dropped my phone from my pocket. "Hey (name)!" Shouted Kuro, she stood on the sidewalk, but I ignored her she's probably going to ask me a stupid question again. I dug into my back pocket that felt empty. "Oh, false alarm." I mumbled. "(Name) watch out!" I could hear Kuro shout, on instinct I jumped out of the way and onto the sidewalk. The car that sped by honked at me. "What a reckless driver, (name) are you alright!" Kuro ushered towards me in a hurry. I looked down at my phone. There was no response, I stood there for a bit. Kuro poked my cheek. "Your glad I'm here right?" I could feel her smile at me. I know sometimes I could be mean to Kuro, but the girl standing with me always had my back. She was like the person who kept me standing, even when I got bullied for liking anime.

Flashback; I remember the first time I met Kuro, it felt like yesterday even though it's been two years. I sat in the corner reading a book, it wasn't any ordinary book, it was my favorite manga series of Black butler. I grew attached to that anime, so attached that I wouldn't socialize with anyone. Every day I would get bullied because I liked anime so much, and for the fact that I was smarter than all of the kids in my class. "Hey look it's Japanese girl!" Shouted Emily, I looked up from my book giving her a glance before returning back to my page. "Aww she doesn't know how to speak English." I kept ignoring her, until other girls came along, insulting me and laughing along with Emily. These people are getting on my nerves. "At least I wasn't born on a highway, because that's where most accidents happen." I said with a glare, in return Emily gave me a dirty look. "At least I'm not dirty scum like you." This caught me off guard, does she really think she could win an argument with me? "At least I'm not a penny two faced and worthless." "I'm ashamed that you would even come up with such a horrible insult, I've heard snapper comebacks from a bowl of rice crisyp's." I added a snap and crossed my arms, flipping my hair. I turned on my heels and walked in the other direction. Leaving Emily speechless, as her friends started mumbling under their breaths. "Hmm, I just hate it when people can't even speak up for others to hear!". I shouted, turning my head with a smirk the girls shut right up and rolled their eyes. I left the class as the bell rang. I made my way down the hallway.

"Hey that was so cool!" Shouted a voice from behind me, causing me to stop. I turned my head to see a girl with brown eyes and, is she wearing a wig? This girl is weird. "Hey lets be friends!" The girl shouted with a gleam of hope in her eye's. Her voice is so loud, I stared at her for a moment. "Absolutely!" I shouted with sarcasm, the girl jumped up and down in excitement. "Not." I said in my usual voice. This made the girl fall dramatically on the ground. I had a dumbfounded face on. "What the," I got cut off by the bell as it went over my voice. "I don't have time for this, I'm going to be late for class." With that I started walking down the hallway Turning my head. That strange girl is still laying on the floor. I had a blank expression on before turning my head and heading to class. 'She's interesting...'

Black Rose Petals (Ceil X Modern Reader)Where stories live. Discover now