Chapter 7

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(Nick’s POV)

Are you fucking kidding me????? ME?! Against Melanie?! In a battle scenario!? For training... yeah more like my damn funeral. What the fuck.

“You ready water boy?” she smirked at me, her sword and armor ready. I slipped my helmet over my head, and my sword in hand. they signaled for us to start and I swung my sword before Melanie swift circle kicked my helmet off, and flung me to the ground. Shit... I glared at her, laying my stomach, before rolling over, and hoping up on my feet.

“Bitch,” I growled.

“Pussy,” she hissed. I prepared myself again, went to swing and got her armor on her arm, when she sliced my arm. I cried out from the pain, Selena trying to rush to me, but being held back.

“Nicky....” she cried. I smiled at her, before I received another slash to my other arm, leg and side. I could hear Selena crying, it was driving me nuts. I flung to the ground, by the lake, trying to get feeling again, and ignore the searing pain that was traveling all over my body.

“Go to the water......” I heard a deep voice say. I could hear it in my head, it freaked me out, but I crawled slowly to the lake’s edge, sticking my fingers in it. The water started traveling up my arm, causing a power surge to ignite all over my body, and healing my wounds. Damn... fuck this is amazing. I smirked, hopped to me feet and turned to strike at Melanie, hitting her side, blocking advances, pretty much kicking her ass, before the teacher, Mr. Bronson told us to stop.

We pulled away and smirked, still feeling the power rushing through me. Selena squealed and rushed to me, tossing her arm and legs around me, crashing her lips to mine. Mmm... hello.... I wrapped my arms around her torso and kissed her back passionately, causing her to moan.

“Dorm...” she whispered, causing me to growl and grip her tighter.

“Class isn’t over,” i moaned softly. She smirked, and pressed her feet into my ass, and rubbing her hips over mine.

“Selena, fuck me.... don’t do that....” I begged.

“Take me to your dorm, so I can fuck your brains out,” she hissed. I gave in. fuck this... I wanted her... and now. I took her back to my dorm and her screams were heard by all. The banging of my headboard against the wall, the way she latched onto. It was pure poetry, but it was during our orgasms, I realized the stream of water from my dorm’s bathroom, in circling the two of us, providing a bed of water, and lifting us from the bed. Our climaxes hit and we splashed to the bed, the water, soaking us from head to toe. We were breathing heavily, and smiling brightly at one another.

“God, Selena your incredible, and so sexy when your covered in water...” I whispered. She giggled, and we spent the rest of the day, wrapped in each others arms.



(Melanie’s POV)


“Dammit, dammit,” I grumbled, tossing my sword to the ground, as Nick and Selena took off. Kevin came over and pulled me into his arms.

“It’s alright baby, you’ll get him next time,” he said, kissing me softly. I smiled up at him and kissed back, my arms tight around his neck.

“Kevin...” I whispered, “Can we... get some food? I’m starving,” I whispered. Please, don’t say no. God my heart is swelling around him.

“My heart jumps around you too.....” he whispered, kissing my cheek, holding my waist, grazing my back.

“So... food?” I repeated. He chuckled and nodded, linking his fingers with mine.





(Joe’s POV)


So one kiss with Valerie, and now she’s avoiding me.... What the hell... So here I am with the goddess of the wilderness, Hayley, the daughter of Artemis, making out, her moaning for me. I went to slip my hand into her panties, my lips trailing her neck, and she let out a cry. Damn I’m good.

“So hot...” she cried. I moaned.

“Oh I know,” I breathed against her heated skin.

“No.. SO HOT Burning hot!!!!!!!” she whined, pulling away. I looked down to see my palms burning red, a small trail of fire on her skin. She patted it out, and I was in shock. She ran out of my dorm room as my buddy, Jason, appeared behind her.

“What’s up with you?!” he asked. I groaned a bit, and explained the scene that just unfolded. He chuckled and smirked.

“Your destined for Valerie,” he said, “You won’t be getting any until you two are together.... you won’t be able to... well you could, but that would keep happening....” He smirked and walked away, and I sat here in shock. Now wait a god damn fucking minute!!! He’s tell me that unless I’m with Valerie, I cant have sex?!?!?!?! I’m the god of mother fucking passion and I can’t get laid?! What the fuck am I supposed to do?! Lose another fucking eyebrow?! Oh shit... or light my room on fire again?! God dammit.... Fuck me... OH WAIT!!! I can’t!!!! SON OF A BITCH!!!!!!!!!




(Valerie’s POV)

I giggled, hearing Joe’s thoughts in my head. Yes, another epiphany for all of you... Kevin can read everyone’s thought, me just my betrothed so to speak. Joe is my destiny.. so for some god foresaken reason, pun intended, I can hear his every waking moment.

“Joe... calm down...” I thought to myself.

“Holy shit, what was that?!” his voice said in my head.

“You can hear me?” I thought quietly.

“Valerie?” he questioned. And so your all aware, everything is in my head... so keep up people.

“Yeah...” I thought.

“Wow..... How....This is so cool!!!” he thought.

“You can only do this with me, Joseph,” I responded.

“I know, but this is so cool.......” he thought, almost a whisper.

“So... we can turn it off too...” I chuckled. He laughed.

“Oh yeah, how do we do that?” he asked, from my door, this time aloud and in my room.

“Rub your temple, counter clock wise,” I said. He chuckled, did it and looked at me. I shrugged.

“If your thinking anything I got nothing,” I smiled.

“Valerie,” he whispered, and walked over to me.

“Yeah Joe?” I breathed, and he took my hips in his hands.

“I’m done fighting,” he whispered, kissing me hard on the lips.

“So... it has nothing to do with not being able to get laid...” I whispered.

“No.... I just... I like you... I want you to stop avoiding me...” he begged. I smiled, wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him.

“So we’re official?” he asked. I nodded and we were wrapped in this reddish light, holding each other, lost in our own world. Everything was perfect.

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