Chapter 3

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Kevin and I were sitting at a picnic table, lazily picking at our breakfast, when we noticed Joe trudging across the lawn, in a hoodie and his sunglasses. He had his hands shoved in his pockets, and was scanning the crowds as if hew had just robbed a bank. He plopped down at the table across from Kevin and I, as we raised our eyebrows at him in confusion.

“Dude, it’s 90 degrees out here,” I said, gesturing to our surroundings, “What the hell you wearing a hoodie for.” Hew sighed.

“I had an incident,” he mumbled. He took a quick glance around, before removing his sunglasses. This only revealed the empty space where his left eyebrow should be. I let out a boisterous burst of laughter.

“Oh my god dude,” I said, “What the hell happened???” He sighed, and rubbed the back of his neck, nervously.

“Well, let’s just say, my fingertips aren’t the only thing shooting fire,” he stated, annoyed, nodding his head toward his jeans. I busted up laughing, holding my sides, as Kevin sat next ti me un phased. I figured. He knew already... I’m always the last to know, but oh my god.

“You mean you were..............” I started, and he nodded, “When you finished you.....

“ He nodded. I just rolled off the bench and onto the grass, my laughter taking over my entire body, leaving me no control. My brother had been taking care of his morning problem, and when he finished he shot fire out of.. god I couldn’t even finish my thought, before tears sprang to my eyes from laughing too hard.

“Dude, shut the fuck up,” Joe said, throwing a bagel at me. I just laughed harder, and pointed at him.

“Hey, don’t get your panties in a twist,” I said, then gasped for air, “You might set them on fire.” He just hit his fist to the table pushed himself away from it, and stormed off. Come on.... that was funny.....

(Melanie’s POV)

I was heading into my first class, Controlling Our Powers, to find my assigned seat sitting between Valerie, the daughter of Hera, the goddess of Marriage, Childbirth, women and Virginity, and Selena, the daughter of Aphrodite, the goddess of Love and Beauty. In case you didn’t know, my name is Melanie, daughter of Athena, the Goddess of War and Lightening. We all have the same powers as our mothers. I can strike lightening at my enemies and every war thats ever been fought, I know about it... and my mother probably had a hand in it.

“Great, fantastic....” I grumble, sitting between them.

“Good morning,” Valerie said, politely. I rolled my eyes, and leaned back in my chair, and propped my feet on the desk. I glanced out the window to see the hottie from the day before, walking across the lawn with two other guys, I just sighed. Why must he be so damn gorgeous.. I swear, I just wanna lick him. I could feel my heart racing and my entire body wanting to reach out to him. Next thing I knew a huge bolt of lightening came out of no where and struck him square in the ass, sending him flying forward and toppling to the ground.

“Shit,” I said, trying to calm my nerves. Dammit, dammit...... He seemed a little stunned, but stood up from the ground, rubbing his ass, and continued to walk into the building. His friends were laughing hysterically, as they moved up to a few tables in front of us. He looked back to smirk at me and I just rolled my eyes and looked down at my desk.

“Good morning, my gods and goddesses, and welcome, to Controlling your Powers,” a female elf said, stepping into the room and traveling up to her desk, “I am Miss Hinsendale, and I will be your instructor....”

“Excuse me, I’m sorry, but uh, I’m the god of passion, I think I got mine down pretty well, can I go?” the guy in the middle asked, “Why do I even need to be here?!”

“Why do you need to be here?” she asked, raising a brow, and he nodded, “Please remove your hoodie and sunglasses please.” He started to protest, but she raised her brow again. He groaned and did as he was told, and the class burst into laughter, as he revealed his missing eyebrow.

“Nice eyebrows Joseph,” she said, smirking at him. He just blushed and sank into his chair. I had to hear this story. I was about to speak, when the teacher began to speak.

“Now, the biggest thing you need to learn, is that your powers are tied to your emotions,” she said, then glanced at Joe, “So try to keep your hormones in check.....” She continued to go on about learning to keep your head in check. Keeping your hormones, anger, even our happiness at a decent level. It was a little boring, but after shooting Kevin in the ass with a lightening bolt, I guess I had a little to learn.


(Valerie’s POV)


He was beautiful, even with a missing eyebrow. He may be the god of passion, but his biggest problem is understanding it. He automatically thinks passion is sexual, but what he doesn’t realize is that passion doesn’t have to be that way. Passion can be undying love, or that need for someone else. That incessant beating of your heart when your around someone. That need to constantly be by that other person, and when your not, your heart feels like it’s breaking.

Yes it’s love, but it’s passion as well... If only he could see how amazing his abilities were, and how much he could learn from himself. I wanted nothing more than to grab ahold of him to explain it all to him, but I knew in time he’d figure it out.. If he could we could be unstoppable. A fighting force for everything perfect and wonderful in the world, love, passion, marriage, children, becoming everything humans wish that they could be. Everything our parents wanted for us.

Now don’t ask me why our parents set arranged marriages, but our fates were sealed. How do I know about these things.. Hellllooooo Goddess of Marriage..... So please... of course I know about them... Just like Selena knew she’d fall in love with Nick and him with here..... Now Kevin and Melanie were gonna be more difficult. Their current ‘hatred’ for one another would cause a problem, but in time, they’ll both admit there burning desire for one another.

Well, think I’ve yapped on for long enough.. Enough secrets revealed, back to Mr. Beautiful..... He was interested, I knew this by the way he set that tree on fire the day before, and the way he stared at me. My problem was just what I said, his understanding of passion had to be in check before he got anywhere near me, or my heart.............. The rest of our time here would be interesting...... Today in itself would prove to be.. well.... amusing...........

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