Chaper 14

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(Molly’s POV)

I was exhausted, but didn’t show it as I slipped away back to my dorm to re cooperate. Once I reached the safe haven of my dorm I collapsed onto my bed, my chakra was completely out of whack and my heart and soul were chipped. I quickly had nurses and doctors coming to my add, acupuncture, massage good food.

“Molly, you must not continue to fight so hard, to use so much chakra.....” a nurse said, “Your betrothed is so worried for you...” I smiled at the thought of Frankie being concerned for me.

‘let him in...” I commanded. She nodded and left the room. After a few moment Frankie appeared in the doorway of my room. He smiled softly, but the worry was all over his face. He came over and I smiled back at him.

“Please, sit...” I said, softly. He smiled and sat on the edge of my bed.

“How are you feeling?” he asked, gently, taking my hand in his.

“I’m fine Franklin....” I said, squeezing his hand softly.

“So... I heard you kicked some serious ass...” he said, smirking softly at me. I giggled.

“So i did...” I smiled. He reached his free hand up to brush my blonde hair from my eyes before kissing my forehead.

“You are such a little bad ass....” he chuckled, “it’s hot....” I laughed.

“Mmm, and you are adorable young Frankie.. but to speak in such ways at such a young age....” I smiled.

“you know as well as I do...... I am far from young,” he said, “You and I both are much older than our host bodies.... and you know it.”

‘Yes, but my spirit is weak......” I said, “I need time to charge my chakra before I and the other full gods, Nicholas and Selena confront Hades..... You and I both know he’s behind this....” He nodded and I sighed.

“I can defer some of my own chakra to help intensify your healing process....” he said. I shook my head.

“no.... send for Valerie.. her mother spirit can help with the healing....” I breathed. He kissed my forehead and a small one on my lips, before exiting my room. Frankie and I were Diety’s... very ancient Diety’s who switch from body to body, soul to soul. Him being the son of Apollo, and of GOD himself. Sure it sounds odd, but Apollo combined his chakra with God’s holy spirit to create Franklin. Yes we’re Greeks, but even above Zeus their is a higher power and that is God.... All of our creators.......

Me... I am the daughter of Artemis and God...... we are expected to become one in not only marriage but in creating beings so powerful, even our own father could not defeat them or stand against them. it was our job to combine not only the religions around the world, but to destroy evil all together. to Truly bring on a world with no hate, no crime, just love and peace.

After a few moments he returned with Valerie who was very concerned, btu came with her herbs and love potions to encourage my chakra and healing.

“The word of your injuries and loss of chakra has spread,” she said, “We’ve all felt it... the decrease in yours is affecting all of us.....” I nodded as she spread an herb of healing over my chest for me to inhale and started her aura cleansing.

“Frankie loves you my queen...” she said softly. I smiled. Valerie could sense my diety radiating from me.

“I know, child, we were meant... just as you and Joe were meant...” i said, “You must understand.... you and Joe... you will be something very powerful... very.... important to the outcome of me and Frankie’s destiny..... You must be sure to protect one another at all costs.”’

“I understand......” she said, “I have seen.....” I nodded and let my eyes drift close.


(Frankie’s POV)

I watch Molly drift to sleep, and I smiled at Valerie as she finished up her healing processes. She bowed slightly as she left, me nodding in acknowledgment as she left. I smiled back to Molly and sighed. Our jobs to change the world and beyond had just begun.....

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