Planet of the Dead

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77/250. Not bad. :)

Yeah, I'm back, after a marathon of TBWC. :) Sorry if I worried anyone!

It's a one way trip to a planet of sand, Rose and Christina are . . . interesting together, and a few familiar faces pop up!

Here's "Planet of the Dead!"


"There! Come on!"

Rose grabbed Jenny's hand and yanked her onto the bus that was just about to leave the curb. Sighing in relief, she pushed her hair behind her ear as the Apocalypse swiped her psychic paper over a scanner. "You're just in time, mates," the driver told them.

The Apocalypse nodded and hurried back, plopping down next to an annoyed woman with black hair, Rose and Jenny in the next aisle over. "Hello," the Apocalypse grinned to the woman next to her, holding up a large chocolate egg. "I'm the Apocalypse, that's Rose, and that's Jenny. Happy Easter!"

"Caly!" Rose groaned.

"What?" she asked defensively. "I don't usually do Easter! I can never find it. It's always at a different time. Although, I remember the original. Between you and me," she whispered to the black-haired woman, "what really happened was - "

Something started beeping, and Jenny blinked. "Mum? Was that you?"

"Yes, it was," the Apocalypse looked around. "Sorry, hold onto that for me?" she asked the woman, handing over the chocolate egg. "Actually, go on, have it. Finish it. It's full of sugar, and I'm determined to keep these teeth."

"You really are attached to your teeth," Rose snickered, remembering her first comments after she regenerated.

"It's a great smile," the Apocalypse winked, pulling out a whirring gizmo that was lighting up. "Ah! Oh, we've got excitation. I'm picking up something very strange . . . "

"I know the feeling," the woman with black hair eyed her.

"Just go with it," Rose advised. "She's always like this."

"Rhondium particles, that's what we're looking for," the Apocalypse went on. "This thing detects them. Look, this should go round, that little dish there - "

"Right now, a way out would come in pretty handy," the woman looked around. "Can you detect me one of those?"

"The dish is going round," Jenny pointed. "And round - "

"Whoa!" the Apocalypse jumped back when the device sparked violently.

The blonde woman in front of her batted sparks out of her hair, then frowned at the Apocalypse. "Excuse me, do you mind?"

"Sorry," the Apocalypse smiled sheepishly. "That was my little dish."

"Can't you turn that thing off?" the woman next to her scowled.

The Apocalypse was about to answer when the gizmo spun even faster, whirring loudly. Her eyes widened. "What was your name?"


"Christina, hold on tight." The Apocalypse jumped onto her seat, grabbing the overhead railing. "Everyone, hold on!" she shouted.

Rose clung onto her seat for dear life as the bus jolted suddenly, unprepared people being thrown around. "What's going on?" a young man up front shouted.

Jenny threw up her hand when bright light flooded the bus, and it jolted even more before finally settling down. The Apocalypse jumped down off of her seat and ran for the front doors, Rose right behind her, Christina following. The Apocalypse opened the doors and winced, holding her hands above her eyes. "End of the line," she said. "Call it a hunch, but I think we've gone a little bit further than Brixton."

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