Children of Earth - Day One

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For future reference, yes, "The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith" did indeed happen . . . I just completely forgot to write it. Sorry, guys. :(

201/250 comments now! Is there any way that goal total can be 300 now? ;) I know, I promised 250, but I'm a commentaholic (?). Pleeeeeease? The more comments, the more motivation I get, especially after this last week.

Anyway, children all creepily talking, the government trying to cover stuff up, and Torchwood is pretty much just being Torchwood. :) This will have everyone's POV, not just the good guys. It's just like watching the episode: everyone is heard.

Here's "Day One!"


"Come on, Tyler. Tyler, just stop it. I haven't got time to muck around! Tyler!" Gwen Cooper frowned and looked around from the ATM when she heard a woman complaining, then saw a mother trying to get her motionless son to move. "All right, I'll just leave you there," she turned away. "Is that what you want? If I just leave you in the middle of town?"

"We're going to be late!" a man said, and Gwen turned to see a father trying to get his daughter to move. "Suzette, stop it! You're just looking silly. Do you want other people to see you looking silly?"


"If he gives you any more trouble, your dad's going to punch his face in," Ianto Jones's sister, Rhiannon, said as she entered the kitchen, not seeming to notice the two children sitting at the table were frozen still. "I'll punch his bloody mother. Have you got that, David?"


"I've booked the car for seven thirty, but I might have to leave it on standby," John Frobisher said as he moved about his house, not noticing his two daughters were doing fantastic impressions of statues. "If Baxter starts talking, he never stops, so I can't guarantee what time. I'll tell you what, I'll send a text when I'm on the motorway."


"Steven if you leave the front door open, those cats are going to get in," Alice Carter rolled her eyes, walking to the front door, seeing her son standing there. "Darling, don't just stand there. You're gonna be late." She paused, seeing he wasn't responding at all. "Steven?" she crouched. "Steven?"


"Stop playing games!" Rhys Williams complained as he looked at the children standing still at the school crossing, blocking him from moving on. "Get out of the way! Oi! I said bloody shift, man!"


"David, are you listening to me?" Rhiannon asked one of the kids. "Mica! Oi, you two! Look at me!"


Steven suddenly blinked, then grinned at his mother. "See you, then!" he ran off.


"And you can shurrup an' all," David came back, glaring at his sister. "You were the one crying! You were like a baby, I seen you!"

"Was not!" Mica shot back.


"Was not!"


"You two, you're going to be late," Frobisher's wife, Anna, ushered her daughters out of the house.

"We're going, look," the younger of the two, Holly, stood up.

"I'm going round to Polly's later," Lilly added. "See you! Bye!"


"What?" Tyler asked as he started moving again.

"You are pushing it, you are, young man," his mother took his arm, Gwen still watching curiously. "Come on!"

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