Children of Earth - Day Three

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Well, you're over 300.

 . . . 400, maybe? *gives puppy dog eyes*

Anyway, the Apocalypse ruins Johnson's plans with the help of a few friends, the 456 arrive, and Jack severely regrets what he's done once the family finds out.

Here's "Day Three!"


"In light of what's happening with our children, we've temporarily closed the schools," Green said over a televised announcement. "As a further precaution, we have introduced a temporary curfew for everyone under the age of eighteen. Keep your children at home where they'll be safe. The curfew takes effect immediately and will continue until further notice. But reset assured, we're doing everything in our power to find out what's going on to safeguard our children and all the people of this nation. In the meantime, we are asking everyone to stay calm, and to go about your lives as normal. There's nothing to suggest we are in any danger, and as soon as we find out anything more, the public will be informed. And as always, I thank you for your trust, and your faith."

Tosh shook her head as she watched, then looked to see Ianto make a call. "Yeah, it's me," he said. "Listen, I can't talk. Just give her the thumbs up. She'll know what it means."


Johnny was walking home with one of the neighborhood girls when a neighbor whistled and gave thumbs up. "Oh, brilliant," he smiled. "Thanks, Mac!" He headed inside and ushered the girl inside the house. "Mac says thumbs up, Ianto's alive," he told Rhiannon.

"Was that it?" Rhiannon asked, disappointed. "You daft sod," she muttered. "Well, where is he? What's he doing?"

"Thumbs up, that was all," Johnny shook his head. "This is Eliza, and she's lactose intolerant, so no milk."

"OK, Eliza, you take your coat off," Rhiannon smiled at her. "You go in there and play, all right? That's it, now. Johnny, no more kids," she told him. "I'm full to bursting."

"It's a public service. The schools are closed. People still go to work. Life goes on."

"Yeah, with you making a profit."

"It's ten quid a kid. Look, that can be our slogan!" he grinned. "Ten quid a kid!"


"All right, resources," the Apocalypse rubbed her hands together. "What have we got?"

"Guns," Jenny checked herself and Torchwood.

"A pen knife," Rose held up her contribution.

"Laptop, now dead," Ianto pointed.

"But recharging," Tosh pointed out.

"The mangled remains of our credit cards," Rhys held up the shreds.

"And our phones, which they can't trace," Jack said.

"Lemsip, book of stamps, pair of contact lenses, and fifteen quid," Gwen counted.

"Twenty," Owen added the extra change.

"OK, twenty quid, plus twenty-five pence, with some bloody alien thing turning up today."

"And your server, up on the TARDIS," the Apocalypse patted the console.

"And no other assets?" Rose looked around.

"I might have one," the Apocalypse shrugged. "But if this is in Britain and UNIT hasn't made a fuss yet, I'm not stirring anything up yet. But what I can do," she tapped a few keys into the console, watching a screen pop up. "Is stir up a few friends, tell them to keep an eye out for any activity involving Torchwood."

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