The End of Time Part 1

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And so it begins. }:) By the way, guys . . . 653 comments from you all. O.O Keep it up!

The Master returns, the Apocalypse tries to save her brother, and Wilf sees someone much different than in the episode. Though, if you see the updated cast, it's a bit of a giveaway. But, if you don't want spoilers, you'll figure it out in the next few paragraphs. ;)

Here's "The End of Time Part 1!"


"It is said that in the final days of Planet Earth, everyone had bad dreams. To the west of the north of that world, the human race did gather, in the celebration of a pagan rite to banish the cold and the dark. Each and every one of those people had dreamt of the terrible things to come, but they forgot, because they must. They forgot their nightmares of fire and war and insanity. They forgot . . . except for one."



Wilfred Mott cringed and clutched his head as he walked down one of the streets, finishing up his holiday shopping. He passed by the Salvation Army band playing God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen and headed into the nearest church he saw. He watched the choir singing, then paused when he saw a familiar looking blue rectangle in the stained glass window by the altar. He frowned, walking closer to look -

"They call it the Legend of the Blue Box."

Wilf jumped. "Oh," he paused, putting a hand over his heart as he looked at the man who had spoken. He could have sworn the pews had been empty. But there was a man behind him, wearing a brown pinstripe suit, Converse, and a long tan coat, his hands in his pockets, messy brown hair stuck up like he'd been in an electrical socket, brown eyes gazing at Wilf curiously. "I've never been in here before. I'm not one for churches. Too cold."

"This was the site of a convent back in the 1300s," the man continued, looking around and rocking on his heels. "it's said a demon fell from the sky, then a woman appeared, a woman in a blue box. They called her the apocalyptic avenger. She smote the demon, and then disappeared."

Wilf chuckled, that sounded like the Apocalypse, all right. "That's a bit of a coincidence," he said, looking back at the glass.

"It's said there's no such thing as coincidence," the man raised an eyebrow. "Who knows? Perhaps she's coming back."

"Oh, that would make my Christmas," Wilf grinned, turning back to the man, only to see he was missing.


Wilf winced and grabbed his head again.


Ood Sigma waited patiently in the snow, listening to the sound of the TARDIS materializing. A moment later, the Apocalypse popped out, wearing a white stetson, a lei, and sunglasses. "Ah! Now, sorry," she smiled at the Ood as Rose and Jenny came out next, Jenny sipping a pineapple smoothie enthusiastically, Rose just giggling as she watched them both. "There you are! So, where were we? I was summoned, wasn't I?" the Apocalypse folded her arms. "An Ood in the snow, calling to me. Well, I didn't exactly come straight here. Had a bit of fun, you know. Traveled about, did this and that - "

"Got into trouble," Rose snickered.

"You know me," the Apocalypse smirked at her.

"It was brilliant!" Jenny cheered. "The Phosphorous Carousel of the Great Magellan Gestadt, saved a planet from the Red Carnivorous Maw, named a galaxy Alison."

"And went to Elizabethan England for the marriage of Owen Harper and Toshiko Sato," the Apocalypse nodded. "Let me tell you, Good Queen Bess is not as fond of science as the books say." She paused, seeing Sigma had not reacted in the slightest. "Anyway . . . what do you want?"

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