Chapter 4

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omg I haven't updated in like a week oops. whale here is chapter four for you little shits! :P


Harry's POV

I walked through the doors of the school with my head held high. I scuffed my converse  a little as i walked since I liked them that way. I did my usual hair flip or as Louis and Zayn call it the ch ch ch sh i really don't get it but whatever. I winked at a few girls that I would totally bang right now and made my way to the ugly little leprechauns locker. As I spotted him walking into the bathroom I smirked and turned around to find Louis and Zayn so we could corner him in there without being caught. But I bumped into something hard on my attempt to go find them. I stumbled back a bit and was about to yell at them to watch where they were going before I noticed their faces. 

"BOOBEAR, QUIFFY!" I pulled them into a huge hug and jumped back grining like an idiot.

"Why are you so happy?" Louis looked at me weird

"I was about to say the same thing.." Zayn jumped in.

"Can't a guy be happy to see his best friends? Anyways! The little queer is in the bathroom now c'mon lets go mess with him before he leaves. They both smirked and nodded as we made our way to the restroom. Me in front of them of course. This is going to be fun. Maybe I can get a few touches on that hot bod- what are you saying styles? Your not gay ew! But he is kinda sexy in skinny jeans.. Ok! Harry you have literally gone mad just go in there and do what you need to do. "Ok" I thought out loud. Louis and Zayn looked at me weird but I just waved it off as we got to the bathroom.

Niall's POV

I Finished my business and washed my hands before going over to the dryer and drying them. I am really nervous today I just don't think i can face Liam's puppy eyes and tell him I'm leaving him. Tears gathered in my eyes thinking about this and I raced out the door with my head down but ran into something and fell on my bum. "S-sorry" I got up still looking down and tried to walk away but someone grabbed my shoulder roughly causing me to yelp in pain. Another hand covered my mouth and I looked up to meet Forest Green eyes. I panicked and started to do everything I could to get away, but his hold on me is to tight and soon I am thrown against the wall. I whimper in pain as they come closer with those evil smirks I despise so so so so sooo much! Louis and Zayn both grab my arms pining them against the wall as Harry bends down so his lips are touching my ear. "I'm going to make you regret you were ever born" He growled in my ear before punching my straight in the gut. I groaned in pain and tried to get out of their iron grip but it's no use. He punches me straight in my jaw causing me to whimper in pain. Tears started to well up in my eyes and I tried my best to hold them in. Soon he was straddling me and I tried to kick him off but he knee'd me in my thigh and I stopped and looked down. He grabbed my chin firmly pulling my head up to look at him. His forest green eyes were dull and almost lifeless with no emotion. As I was distracted he knee'd me in my lower region and punched my in my ribs. He got up and hit me at least 6 more times all over before he started kicking me. In my ribs my head. Everywhere you could think of. It wasn't long before everything became a blur and I blacked out.


I woke up somewhere unfamiliar and my head was pounding. The walls were all white and it smelt really bad. I then noticed that I was sitting in the nurses office. I sat up but I could tell that was the wrong choice and I laid back down with a groan. Just then the nurse walked in.

"Ok Mr. Horan your mum is here to pick you up make sure to take some pain killers when you get home" She smiled at me and my mum rushed in and by my side in a matter of seconds. Drowning me with questions.

" Are you ok? Nialler how badly are you hurt? Can you hear me? Who did this to you? There better not be any bullies!" 

"Mum I'm fine! can we just go home?" I sighed and sat up.

"Of course sweetie" She smiled warmly and we both made our way to the car. I totally forgot about telling Liam today. I guess I will have to tell him tomorrow or something ugh I'll figure it out. I got in the car and she started it up. It was a silent ride home but It wasnt like awkward silence it was comfortable peaceful silence. Soon enough we got home and I went inside quietly. On the way up to my room I swiped a large tub of vanilla ice cream, and now I sit here venting my emotions through the form of eating. I spoon yet another heaping of the cold deliciousness into my mouth and heavily swallow, the sobs and the food moving down my oesophagus not passing each other without a fight. Eventually the heavy glob of ice cream slides down and I let out a cracked whimper. My hand glides across my upper lip, wiping away the product of my runny nose quickly. I wipe my hand onto the shirt I am wearing. I am a total reck right now. I sink even deeper in the covers, letting a few stray tears fall to the pillows instead of my cheeks. I shovel one more mouthful of ice cream, between my lips before letting the spoon fall into the tub with a dull thud. 

With shaky hands I place it on the bedside table and lay back, retracting both my arms to my heaving chest. Sleep will help, I tell myself.

Sleep will fix

everything. It will erase me temporarily from, this awful excuse of a worls and just let me submerge into the darkness of silence. 

My eyes flutter shut but my mind is wide awake, my thoughts running overlapping paths widly beneath my blonde ruffles. I pull the covers right up to my chest and roll onto my side, but te horrid reminders and memories have my heart aching, my brain in a state of overdrive. 

Why did I have to leave Liam all alone?

What if nobody likes me?

Why am I not happy to leave?

Why did Harry bully me?

This will be the death of me.

My mind rolls over that quite literally for a second but I shove it behind me, I will not succumb to the clutches of suicide. Depression will not take a hold upon me, I will not allow it. I shall simply wallow, soaking in my sadness until the day comes that I will have been lying here so long I will forget. My mind will be void of anger or sadness because I will have simply forgotten everything, and hopefully I will forget how to feel in the process.

My heart will be impenetrable, my mind will be a heavily guarded prison with the highest of walls, my emotions will be nonexistent, I will be unstoppable, a hardened machine of a man. And I shall never be so vulnerable again, for I now know people take advantage of that. As my mind starts to slow down I drift off into sleep.


Well I don't know If this chapter was any longer but I tried real hard I hope you guys Liked it c: VOTE COMMENT AND SHARE PWEEZZ :3 



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