Chapter 2

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Well I'm not real motivated or sure about this chapter i don't think it will be that long or good I have writers block ugh thats horrible to have at this time but i hope you guys like it..



Niall's POV

I sat in class ignoring the constant papers being thrown at my head. I waited for the teacher to come in which of course he was late just like she always is. Just as I was about to get up and go to the bathroom she walked in the class. "fuck" I mumbled and slumped in my seat. I looked up to see harry walking in late also. Probably beating a kid sensless for walking in front of him or something. I swear that boy is evil. He smirked at me and I looked down sliding down further in my chair. He took the seat right next to me and I scooted away. My bum was halfway off the seat but I could really care less liam was on my other side so it wasn't like i would get picked on if I scooted his direction. I started to zone out until the teacher yelled my name. great. notice the sarcasm?!

"yes mrs. Wilcox?" I answered politely trying not to get her angry.

"Answer the problem up in the board!" She pointed to an eqation and I'm not even sure it was math. Isn't math numbers? But this has a bunch of symbols and letters how the fuck are you suppost to answer this? "I'm waiting" she said with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

"uhh.. It's uh.. uhm.." I looked at liam for help and he just shrugged. "I.. don't know.." I said quietly looking down. The whole class started laughing. Well exept Liam of course!

"The answer is 56 Mr. Horan you should know that!" She said a little more annoyed than last time and went back to teaching I sat there trying to pay attention so that didn't happen again. Until i felt someone kick my leg really hard and I tried my best not to groan. I glared at harry which was the wrong choice. He kicked me again in the same place but harder. I felt the tears threatening to spill but I wasn't gonna give him what he wanted! Then i felt a hand on my knee but it wasn't Liam's. I tensed this isn't something harry would do but once he dug his nails into my skin i could see it was! I pushed his hand away which was a bad choice. He snickered and punched my member full on. This time i couldn't keep the tears in and I looked at the teacher. She nodded understandingly and I ran out of the room and to the bathroom. I slid down the wall next to the door and cried. I heard the door creak open and I looked up slightly to see liam standing there looking worried at me. He frowned and held out his arms for me. I hugged him and sobbed in his chest.

"I-I want t-t-to die a-already.." I sobbed and he tightened his grip on me before pulling away enough to look at me.

"Dont say that Ni no you don't, don't let them win your stronger than that." He wiped my tears and i just nodded and looked down. He took my hand and I looked up at him and he motioned to the door. I just nodded and we walked out of the school and to his car, since i don't have one. We got in and the car ride was silent the whole way but not like the awkward kind. Just kinda the relaxing, comfortable silence. We got to his house and thank god it was the weekend so we could spend it together and I didn't have to be around anyone I hated. All I want to do is cuddle eat and sleep! And I intend on doing it!


YOU BETTER BE HAPPY I UPDATED EARLY FOR YOU LITTLE SHITS! hehe and btw i love saying little shit so now that is your name well i hope you enjoy sorry its short I PROMISE THE CHAPTERS WILL GET LONGER!!! byeee!!


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