Chapter 7

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I wake up to the sound of the alarm clock I've had for who knows how many years. I groan walking over to my bathroom and turning on the shower. I step in feeling relaxed immediately. I wash my hair and body and step out walking over to my closet and pulling on my uniform. I style my hair up into a quiff and put on my radio as I do my daily chores. Fuck Up came on and I chuckled remembering the nights where I would just play this over and over again as a teenager. I carried on with my house work singing along quietly. "I wake up on the wrong side of the floor, my clothes still smell like the night before. Where am I? Why am I talking to my self?" I was dancing around by now not even caring about the chores still left to be done or being late for work. "My girlfriend told me that she wants a break And that being with me is what turned her gay What's with me? Why does this happen all the time? I'm like a blind man walking through a perfume shop I'm like a black guy switching lanes in front of the cops Why can't I just get control over myself?" I fell on the floor and bursted out laughing. Until my phone rang ruining the good time I was having with myself. "hello?" I said annoyed. "Niall where are you! The boss is pissed you're not here for inspections hurry up!" Josh whisper yelled through the phone. I groaned "sorry got caught up with my music I'll be there in ten minutes" I hung up before he could say anything else and grabbed my phone and keys, running out the door.

I drove quickly to Starbucks and ran in. "Sorry sorry! I was in uh.. Traffic!" I said out of breath. The boss glared at me and I stood over by Josh as the inspector was looking things over. "Nice going" he whispered I chuckled and fixed my uniform. The inspector walked in front of us looking us over before writing on his clipboard and leaving the shop. "Ok then.." I said looking at the door where he just left from. "Ok everybody get to work!" The boss yelled turning the closed sign to open. I stood at the cash register and awaited to soon to be morning rush. Josh was getting the machines ready and refilling the cup dispensers. I turned around to help him since nobody was here yet until the bell rang and a slim man with curly brown hair walked in. "I'll have a White Chocolate Mocha Frap with no whip" He said while looking down and typing away on his phone. He looked familiar but I just shrugged it off. "That will be $5.69" He handed me a ten and I gave him change back. after about 2 minutes his drink was ready and I handed it to him. He pulled a letter out from him back pocket and handed it to me. "Bye Niall" He looked up winking and walked out. I stood there in shock. What the fuck was that!! "Dude what the fuck how does he know your name? Who is that guy?" Josh asked trying to get the letter form my hands. "i was wondering the same thing.." I opened up the letter and read it in shock. I didn't even notice the tears forming into my eyes till they dropped down onto the paper. It was getting really small and stuffy the longer I stood there. So I ran. I ran and didn't stop. Not until I got to my apartment. It started raining but I didn't even care enough to notice. Finally I stopped for a breath since I barely had a choice I felt like I was gonna die from the lack of oxygen. How? After 3 years I still can't get away. I don't know what to do. He knows where I am now. But how? How out of all the places in the world we end up in the same place! I.. my brain can't even function right and I keep running. I finally reach my apartment and I run upstairs and quickly try and open the door. I drop the keys. "Shit" I finally am able to stop shaking enough to get the key in the lock and I bardge inside. I fall on the floor and let all my tears out. All the hatred, sadness, worries. Everything is just being let out right now. I can't do this. I can't fear to go to work every day and see... SEE THAT! I feel horrible belonging to the same species as him. He is a disgrace to society. I hate him so much! SO FUCKING MUCH! i scream throwing whatever was closest to me which happened to be a picture of me and Josh on our trip to America. I don't even care about cleaning it up right now. I just wanna go to bed. I strip off my wet clothing and change into a dry pair of boxers. I climb into bed and after what seems like forever I fall into an uncomfortable slumber.


Sorry for the long wait on an update! I honestly lost track of time. I have had so much going on I have this one teacher that expects SOOOOOO much from us and it's hard to keep up with her and all so I've been getting allot of projects done and all the drama that has been in my life right now has gotten in the way but I promise to update a little more often! So I hope you liked this chapter please comment, fan, and vote!


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