Chapter 10

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I choked out a sob as I think about how I might never see my friends or family ever again. Or if he is going to kill me or not. I then realize I can still talk and it is in the middle of the day. I take a deep breath and as loud as I could yelled "HEEEELLLPPP!" I say it over and over again before he comes into the room shitting me up with a cloth of chloroform being shoved into my mouth. I looked at him once more before blacking out.


I've been in here all night and I have been a total WRECK! Harry has come up a few times to check on me. I haven't slept one bit because my brain is on high and won't shut up. I just want to leave already. What did I do to make him do this? I should of killed myself when I had the chance...

Just then he barged through the door with a smirk on his face. I backed up as far as I could while being handcuffed to one of the bed posts. He uncuffed me and I looked at him weird while rubbing my sore wrist. He didn't say anything but he picked me up wedding style and started carrying me downstairs. That's when my brain started functioning.

"LET ME GO!" I screamed and kicked and he still did nothing like I wasn't even there. Like he was carrying some invisible force in his arms. Maybe I'm dead? OH MY GOD I'M DEAD! I pinched my self but yelped in pain and he chuckled at me. I pouted before attempting to jump out of his arms. Instead of getting away he feel straight on top of me. I groaned in pain at the sudden weight and he mumbled a quick sorry as I glared at him. He attempted to pick me up again but I smacked his hands away. "Do you want me to smack you?' He growled through gritted teeth. "I would like to know what you are doing to me big guy" I replied with a smug grin on my face. He clenched and unclenched his fists a few times before replying. "We're having company." He then tried to pick me up again but like before I smacked his hands away. "And what do I have to do with this?" I asked him. "You're my boyfriend" he told me so easily without even looking at me.

"EXCUSE YOU WHY WOULD I WANNA DATE A SCUM BAG LIKE YOU! LIKE EW FUCK NO YOU DISGUST ME YA BITCH ASS SKA-" I wasn't able to finish my sentance before his hand came across my cheek causing a loud smacking sound to erupt through the house. I felt the familiar sting in my eyes as I rose a shakey hand up to my cheek. I ran my fingers across the probably red mark wincing in pain at the little contact. I looked at him with the most hatred I've ever had for anyone in my life before attacking him. "DONT" punch. "FUCKING" punch "TOUCH" punch "ME" punch "EVER" punch "AGAIN" But before I could punch him again my hand was being held firmly behind my head. Who else is here?! I snapped my head around to see a worried looking... ZAYN! Oh no.. They're probably gonna gang bang me or something. "Harry when did the little leprachaun get so violent?!" I cringed at the name as Zayn chuckled looking at the smirking boy on the floor. Of course I did like no dammage to him. God I'm such a pussy. "Oh he just has anger issues it's alright now right babe?" he said standing to his feet and wrapping his arm around my slim waist. I glarred up at him before he kicked my foot a little to harshy. I whimpered in pain and quickly nodded at Zayn. "Ok then?" He looked at us weird before walking into the living room. Harry took that as an advantage to talk to me quickly. He leaned down to my ear his lips touching it. I could feel his hot breath on my ear and it was pretty weird.. "I swear to god if you act up even once! I will fuck you so hard your children could feel it!" He growled harshly in my ear and I tensed at the thought of him taking my innocence like that. Yes I am a virgin and I would not like to give it up to this fuck. He grabbed my hand intertwining our fingers and tugging me into the living room. Wait?! Didn't he bully me for being gay and now he wants me to be his fake BOYFRIEND! I have to ask about that later since I might as well get comfortable here.. Sigh. Why is my life so fucked up. I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt somebody pull me down. Nex thing I knew I was on Harry's lap.

And the worst part is..

I sorta like it..

Oh god what has come over me HE HAS KIDNAPPED YOU FOR CHRISTS SAKE! I tried my best to put on a fake smile as Zayn and Harry talked about whatever it is their talking about. To be honest I haven't been listening the whole time. I looked around the room and notice a big window. IT WAS OPEN!! I am in just the luck because Zayn is getting up. Oops maybe I should listen to the conversation! I shook my head before paying attention to them "I'll be right back babe just walking Zayn to his car." He gave me a kiss on the cheek before walking out the door with Zayn. Ok I have a 50-50 chance of making it. I quickly run to the window jumping out and onto my knees. I take no time to start sprinting down the street and I hear Harry screaming at me. I picked up my pace and tried to figure out where I was going. I looked back to see Harry hot on my heels before I tripped over my own foot and fell face first onto the cold concrete. I winced in pain as I cut my face on the bruise where Harry hit me. Speaking of him he just came jogging behind me laughing. So much for running away! I don't even look up at him because I know he will have a cheeky grin on his face. He then picked me up and I let him for once. Why should I even try? I'm never going to get away! I kept my head down  playing with my fingers but he wasn't moving.

"Look at me." He said firmly and I shook my head in defience. He harshly pulled my head up so I was looking at him I wimpered in pain as he gritted his teeth. "You know what I said about behaving you fuck! Now Zayn is thinking weird things when we go back to the house I want you to go into my room and lay on the bed and If by the time I get there you aren't I will personally hunt you down and kill you!" He finished as he pulled me closer to his chest and started walking back to the house. I didn't even care right now to be honest. I let out a sob which was followed by many more. He set me down in the living room and I slowly walked to the room terified of what he's going to do to me. I layed on the bed and let out all my tears. Who knows what torture weapons he's getting to hurt me with! 


twenty minutes later and he still isn't in here. I have calmed down a bit but my heart is still beating fast. I heard him talking on the phone to someone but I couldn't make out any words. Just then I heard the door open and muffled whispers before a familiar face walked into the room. 

"Liam..." I whispered quietly.


oooo so I brought Zayn and Liam back woop woop! Vote if you feel sorry for poor Nialler!

5 votes and 2 comments for the next chapter lovelies!


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