Chapter 11

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"Look at me." He said firmly and I shook my head in defiance. He harshly pulled my head up so I was looking at him. I whimpered in pain as he gritted his teeth. "You know what I said about behaving you fuck! Now Zayn is thinking weird things. When we go back to the house I want you to go into my room and lay on the bed and if by the time I get there you aren't I will personally hunt you down and kill you!" He finished as he pulled me closer to his chest and started walking back to the house. I didn't even care Right now to be honest. I let out a sob which was followed by many more. He set me down in the living room and I slowly walked to the room terrified of what he's going to do to me. I laid on the bed and let out all my tears. Who knows what torture weapons he's getting to hurt me with!

Twenty minutes later and he still isn't in here. I have calmed down a bit but my heart is still beating fast. I heard him talking on the phone to someone but I couldn't make out any words. Just theen I heard the door open and muffled whispers before a familiar face walked into the room.

"Liam..." I whispered quietly.


"W-what are you doing here?!" I jumped up and went to hug him but he pushed me away. I took a good look at him this time and he's changed a lot! He's gotten taller and WAY more muscular that's for sure. He has tattoo's all up his arms and neck and probably all over his chest. He's gotten gauges that aren't that big but are still noticable and he has an eyebrow piercing that's like a greenish blue. And then he has a lip piercing that is sorta like spider bites which is black. He also has shaved his head and has a little stuble on his chin. He looked pretty hot and I didn't even notice I was checking him out till he chuckled and spoke up "Like what you see?" I blushed slightly and opened my mouth to speak but I was soon cut off by Liam again. "You know you made me do this to myself" He glared at me and I tilted my head in confusing and I'm guessing he got what I wanted to say and spoke again. "You left. Remember? "I'll never forget about you" well guess what here we are 3 years later and you didn't bother to contact me ONCE! Not one fucking hey or anything in 3 years Niall! So I changed since obviously I was to boring for you or something. I didn't drop low enough to do that shit you did but instead got all these piercings and tattoo's" He started walking towards me and I finally found words some how even though I'm scared for my life! "I-i I'm sorry, I just wanted to fit in here and I forgot and you don't know how sorry I am Li-" I was cut off by a fist conecting to my jaw. I stumbled back and rubbed my cheek. I probably deserved that.. "Don't call me that! You don't deserve to you bastard!" He spat in my face and I cowared away scared of him now.

"B-but why are you here w-w-with Harry?!" I questioned looking up at him and his brown eyes that I loved so much were now dull and lifeless. Like he's lost all emotions what's so ever. "Because I'm the reason you're here. I found Harry to go and find you for me and now here you are!" He exclamed with a smug grin plastered across his face.

"And you aren't leaving." Harry stepped in. "W-what are you going to do with me?" I questioned looking at them with a puzzled expession. Liam gave Harry a look before Harry scurried out of the room shutting the door behind him hesitantly. Liam then walked over to me and I backed up as much as I could but I soon hit the headboard and I was trapped.

Liam sat down pulling me into his lap and cradled me like I was a child scared from a nightmare and he was my father making me feel better. He then whispered in my ear. "I'm not gonna hurt you baby.." He kissed the top of my head. "But this was part of our deal. If he found you then he can do what he wants.. I just get to see you ocationally" He sighed. "Li-li no! Please no I'm so sorry I'll do anything just don't leave me with him! I'm sorry for not talking to you. I was scared that if I latched onto you to much the same thing would happen to me here.." Liam was staring at me as I pleaded and he sighed again.

I took this time to look into his eyes again but something was different. He had a tiny glimpse of emotion hidden. Like it's all under lock and key. I can't believe I did this to him! I never meant to hurt him I thought it would be for the better but I guess it wasn't. His eyes then turned a different color like he knew what I saw and he had to hide it before I was able to break his doors down and free him from this emotionless person he has become. His eyes were just empty. Like the soul was long gone and he was just here like a nothing. But I know his soul is in there and I am determined to find it. He kissed my nose before setting me down on the bed next to him and walking out.

Without another word.

And then I screamed at the top of my lungs and didn't stop. I didn't notice Harry come into the room before I felt a stinging feeling a heard the sound of his hand against my skin and knew I was slapped. I instantly stopped and curled up into a ball and sobbed. I sobbed thinking about how I ruined Liam's life. How if I would of just done so much as texted him I wouldn't be getting tortured and wishing I still had my best friend. I want my old life back even if I was bullied. I never noticed how empty I was without Liam but now that he was here and gone just like that I can't seem to think my life any further without him in it. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I was thrown against the bed harshly and Harry was towering over me taking his shirt off. My eyes practically buldged out of my head knowing what was gonna happen and I couldn't find words I just layed there dumbfounded.

He then started sucking my neck harshly and I gasped out of pain and a tinsy bit of pleasure. I can't help it he does wonders with his mouth but I can't let this happen! I pushed him off of me with all the strength I had in me and jumped up the bed. I ran trying to find a hiding place and I shivered as my bare feet padded against the cold hardwood floors.I turned a corner and ran down a narrow hallway until I got to a door. I opened it and it was a closet. I quickly jumped into it closing the door behind me. Maybe I can find something to dig a hole with and I can escape. I started looking around for things but then I heard footsteps and my heart dropped. I quietly sat in the corner shivering since I was only in my boxers and he doesn't seem like the kind to turn up the heat enough. The footsteps got closer and the louder they got the more my heart pounded against my chest.

Just then the door swung open and I ducked putting my hands over my head scared of him hitting me. Instead of punching or slapping me he picked me up and carried me back to the bedroom. "NO NO PLEASE! PLEASE DON'T DO THIS TO ME I'M A VIRGIN! PLEASE!" I screeched. He said nothing but he just layed me in the bed. I started sobbing for the millionth time since I've been here as he got into bed next to me. I curled up in a ball with my back away from him blocking out whatever he was gonna say or do.

Instead of fucking me sensless he just turned off the lamp and pulled me close to him chest. I was still tense and I guess he could tell because he started peppering my face with kisses which I scrunched it up in annoyance and he chuckled giving me one last kiss on the nose before pulling me closer and going to sleep. I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding and even though this is really weird I feel warm and kinda secure. Is that weird? Hopefully not because I could get used to this. I'm really glad he did nothing but I shouldn't keep my hopes up.. I sighed wiping a tear that just rolled down my cheek and attempted to fall asleep.





Picture of how Liam looks right now on the side!

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Stay fabulous :*


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