Chapter 1: To Go Or Not To Go?

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  • Dedicated to Paola Guadalupe

Chapter One

Nirvana Evans

Nirvana Evans

School's out. Summer is in full swing. Another class has graduated and moved on to a brighter future. The banners announcing the new school year are hanging proudly from the freshly painted school buildings and the front lawn has been cut. High school, also known as the second home since it is where the majority of the teenage life is spent, is the place where the food cafeteria always sucks, friends are made, enemies are found, things are learned and personalities are shaped. A place almost every normal teenager hates yet misses once it's time to leave. In just one year I'll be leaving behind this place too and it's a scary thought. Because leaving high school signifies the start of your independence and the beginning of your adult life filled with new responsibilities and everyday challenges you'll have to learn to face. It's an important step in the process of growing up. Fear, excitement and curiosity are the normal emotions that cloud your mind when you realize how close you are to becoming an adult. No one knows what lies ahead in the future but-

"Nirvana!" I faintly heard a masculine shout come from a distance. I looked up from the journal I had been writing in to spot a tall guy running towards me. His dirty blonde hair was bouncing atop his head as he ran in my direction. I adjusted my glasses and as he got closer I realized it was Will, my best friend since we used diapers. Once he was standing right in front of me I noticed the sweat dripping from his shirt and from the look of it he seemed to have run a long way. I pulled out my earphones and glared at him.

"How many times do I have to remind you not to call me by my full name?!" I shouted at him. And in case you're wondering, yes my parents named me after the rock band Nirvana and yes it sucked big time. Apparently it was where they met and I was conceived. Yeah I'd rather not go into details. Anyway Nirvana also happened to be one of Will's favorite bands and he was convinced that it was a really cool name, but let me tell you it gets old after awhile.

"And how many times have I told you that Ana is an incredibly boring name which I refuse to use?" he argued back crossing his arms over his chest. I always told people to call me Ana for short instead of Nirvana but Will hated it.

"Whatever you say Willie" I said back as a triumphant smirk took over my features.

"Hey now that's playing dirty! Not fair" he complained. Will absolutely detested that nickname since it was the name his ex girlfriend used to call him by. And that didn't end well. But then again most of Will's relationships ended up badly.

"Whatever" was the very original reply I gave him as I stuck my tongue out at him. He ignored this and took a seat beside me on the bench that happened to be right across from the school. I had been coming to this park every day after school since I had discovered how relaxing it was to sit down and write about my day on my journal.

I tried not to cringe away from Will's proximity to me so that I wouldn't offend him but dammit just being close to his sweat was torture. He didn't smell bad or anything it was just that I was a bit of a germ freak. Ok maybe that's an understatement; I'm a huge germ freak. My condition was so bad that when I was in fifth grade I had to stop attending P.E in school because I would pass out when we all started to do exercise and my classmates would sweat profusely. Will knew about my condition but he was always trying to help me get better by trying to get me accustomed to those sorts of things. But sweat was my absolute limit. So once I couldn't take it anymore I sighed in defeat.

"Will...I need some space" I told him shamefully keeping my eyes on the ground.

"What? Oh my bad! I forgot I was drenched" he said as he slid further away from me.

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