Chapter 18: Let's Talk

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Chapter 18: Let’s Talk

River Quinn

I watched my mom open the passenger door halfway as she got out of the stranger’s car. I heard her laugh before she shut the door and waved goodbye. She was home late again. No surprise there. But this time I finally got a glimpse of the driver who’d dropped her off. It was a man with dark hair. That was about all I could gather from the narrow view I had between the curtains. That same black car had been giving her rides to and from work for the past week now. When I asked her about it she’d dismissed me and simply said it was a colleague from work. But come on, I was an eighteen year old kid. Obviously there was something more going on between this mystery dude and my mom. I told her countless times that she could have her car back because I didn’t mind walking to school. It was fairly close after all. But she had insisted on me keeping it for the time being.  

I was so lost in my thoughts that I’d forgotten I was still standing by the window while mom was seconds away from opening the front door. She definitely wouldn’t appreciate the sight of me spying on her through the window. So I ran straight to the living room and threw myself on the couch. I quickly grabbed the remote and turned on the T.V. Perfect. She’d suspect nothing.

The sound of the keys rattling in the door echoed through the house as she came in.

“Hey darling, did you have dinner yet?” I heard her call out as she set her things on the kitchen counter.

“Yeah, there’s left over in the fridge if you want some” I let her know casually.

“Oh I already ate but thanks anyway” with your new ‘friend’? I thought as she replied but kept it to myself.

“Since when do you like golf?” I heard her ask as she came in to the living room. I was about to tell her I hated that boring sport when I noticed a golf match was playing on the T.V. Crap I hadn’t even realized what channel I’d turned on in my rush.

“Oh, um, there wasn’t anything else on” was my brilliant answer. She gave me a weird look and rolled her eyes at me. Deciding to give up on my cover up I shut off the T.V and followed her into the kitchen. Her phone beeped and I observed the happy grin that broke out on her face as she read a text. She hummed to herself while she typed away her reply. I couldn’t help but wonder if it was from the mystery guy who’d dropped her off. A couple of seconds later another text arrived and she could barely contain the bigger smile that was on the verge of exposing itself. Jeez, she looked like a lovesick teenager texting with a school crush.

“Sweety I’ll be home late tomorrow- I’m going out on a date- so feel free to invite a friend over or whatever you want” she informed me momentarily looking up from her phone.

“Who with?” I inquired trying to hide the suspicion in my voice.

“Just a friend from work” she replied with a shrug but I swear I saw a twinkle in her eye.

“The same friend who’s been picking you up?”


“Ok. So when do I get to meet him?” I sounded like a worried parent. God, the roles were so reversed in my house. Sometimes I felt like I was the adult in the room.

“Oh honey it’s only the first date. I’ll introduce you to him when things are more serious. Nothing is official yet. We’re just friends” she dismissed with a casual wave of her hand. I raised a suspicious brow at her and crossed my arms over my chest.

“Stop looking at me like that. You know most teenagers would be happy to have the house to themselves on a Friday night. Why don’t you invite that girl over? Annie was it?” she suggested with a light smile.

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