Pulling An all-nighter

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Hello Lovelies💜 Have you ever tried to pull an all nighter but fell asleep during the middle of one. Well I am going to give you some tips on how to stay awake. Enjoy!😘
🌜Taking a nap before your work binge is going to do world's more good than taking one in the middle. If you wait until you're already exhausted to "just take a quick nap," you might not wake up for hours.

🌜Bathe at night to cool the body.

🌜Avoid black tea. Black tea may seem like an ideal solution but you may get a temporary buzz then crash badly the following day .

🌜Instead, drink two brimming glasses of ice-cold water every 30 minutes.

🌜Turn off instant messengers and emails, your cellphone, the TV, and do not surf the internet, fiddle with games on your electronic devices, read, draw, write poetry, etc

🌜Eat protein-rich foods like sandwiches, cheese, and other dairy products. Sugary foods may make you feel awake for a little while, but can eventually make you feel drowsy as you crash off the sugar high.

🌜  Try hard not to yawn. You're yawning because you are taking in less oxygen, and that means your breathing is steady, light, and slow. You don't want that.

🌜Make it difficult to fall asleep. One helpful trick is to make it as cold as you can stand. It may help to listen to upbeat music or have a movie or television program on in the background to keep you entertained.

🌜Your brain is hardwired to be awake during the daytime. Keep your surroundings as bright as possible to help keep yourself awake.

🌜Set an alarm to go off every half an hour. Turning it off will signal a short break for you. If you fall asleep, at least you won't lose the whole night.

🌜Avoid eyestrain. If you wear contacts, you may want to take them out. If you are using a computer, turn down the brightness a bit.

🌜set a time to start and a time to quit. A real all-nighter cannot stop until 7-9 AM, when neighbours and other people wake up and start going about their daily lives.

🌜Don't wear clothing that relaxes you. It could help you relax and eventually fall asleep.

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