Drama Part 5

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Lilliana's P.O.V (The song is River Flows In You: by Yiruma)

I never hummed in this house, only when the thought of love and happiness was all so clear to me. I didn't know if I wanted to open the door or not, the same thoughts I had the day I decided to leave him. I faced my fears then and so I can do it now, right? My sweaty palms nervously gripped the doorknob and turned it. The room looked all the same, same furniture piled with dirty clothes and same unmade bed.

"Hello..." I noticed him and went to say hi, but I didn't want to get too close.

"What's up?" He didn't seem like him calling me over was weird, which it was.

"What do you want, Mikey?" I didn't mean to sound rude, I wanted to sound like more of a decent person than him.

"Oh, well, I wanted to explain about Tiana." Are you serious? He doesn't even know her name, no wonder she was so lonely, or at least that's what she told me.

"Tiara! Her name is Tiara!" I was tired of him already and I haven't even been here for 5 minutes.

"Yeah, whatever. Why do you care, anyways?" Didn't he think I was serious when I said that I was going out on a date with her? He must have a couple loose screws in his head!

"I wasn't joking when I said I had a date with her." He was a seriously dumb mother fucker.

"Wait? You're a lesbian?!" Wow, really? I don't even want to talk to him, Tiara was right, I shouldn't have come. I wish I that I was deaf, that way I would't have to listen to him.

"Haven't you been keeping tabs on me? That's what usual creeps do!" I shot back, I am just going to loose my mind here.

"Listen, I know what did was wrong, but-" Yep that's right before you even say anything I'm going to say something! Booya!

"But what, Mikey? You broke both of our hearts..." I felt a hot tear trickle down past my nose, I was crying? I never cry! I felt the same gentle arms snake around my waist and I didn't reject them, in fact I accepted the warmth that he was giving me. It was almost like the first time Tiara and I kissed, I felt the soft touch of her gentle lips pressed against mine and let her warmth pump through me like in a hospital machine, barely letting me breathe. My head sat in the crook of his shoulder as I thought of everything that I've been through and it was almost like a reminder that I don't need that hospital bed to keep me breathing, not anymore. I've made up my mind, I will run away with Tiara, I have been so alone for so long until she told me that she loved me, and that I loved her too. We were going to take a train until our 'parents' found out, they just thought that we were getting bullied and they actually had no idea why we were leaving. No one wanted to accept me, us, but now it feels like if we leave then we can choose our family, that someone else will love us, their loss.

"I will still be your friend, no matter what. Ok?" That made all of the difference, he cared, but he can't know.

"Ok, I have to go now, Tiara is waiting for me." I wasn't mad anymore, in fact I think I've known him forever.

"Tell her that I miss her." He told me as I walked out of the room into the hall that lead to the stairs.

"I will." I told him with the sound of promise in my voice. My feet reached the edge of the stairs, and as always I hummed my way down while this time to the rhythm of my heart. when I made my way down I saw his old see-through glass cupboard and I noticed a picture of us laughing together, but not in a romantic way, in a best friend way. Seeing it made me relies how happy that I can be, Tiara, Mikey, and Lilliana, it sounded like a good little family. My hand grasped the door, but this tim leaving was hard for me and I wanted to stay here with him. My arm pulled the door open and I stepped out of the warm house into the fall air, I started shivering as it made goose bumps spread across my skin. I wanted to get home to Tiara as soon I could, we have both been waiting for this moment for so long. I thought of the first time we tried to escape.


I opened the door to my closet and took both of my hands to collect the whole wardrobe, I was going to be needing it. I struggled at the weight in my arms until I dropped it all on the bed, finally giving my arms some relief. I unzipped the food filled suitcase and took an armful of the clothes that I put on the bed and unevenly speed them around the empty spaces, I was in a hurry because Tiara was going to be here any second now. Once I had finished packing all of my clothes I went into the bathroom and got all of my pads and tampons, and I also got my shaving razors. My mom doesn't get home until morning that means that I have plenty of time, I snuck into her room and went into her purse, you know where this is going. I got out her credit card and a couple 100 dollars in cash, damn! Since when was she going to tell me that she had money? I asked her for things that cost a couple dollars and she told me that she wasn't made of money, but that's what m.o.m stands for, right? I stuffed the money and the credit card into the satchel I had slung over my shoulder. I heard a slight shuffle coming from my room, I walked over to my door and peeked through to see Tiara struggling to get through the window. I hurried over to her and set my hands on her slim waist, lifting her out of the window we stood near the open window, the cold air gave me goosebumps or it was Tiara's loving gaze into my eyes. In that moment I released just how glittering and blue her eyes are, almost like a lake glimmering at the Summer sun, so mesmerizing.

"Are you ready for this?" I asked her with a little sorrow in my voice to be leaving the posters and the warmth of my room. Now I have Tiara to give me warmth, we were meant to do this.

"As I'll ever be" I leaned into her and cocked my head to the side to give a more comfortable kiss, even though I always felt comfortable with her. She fell deep into the kiss, but it wasn't one of those make-out session kisses we've shared, it was a genuine 'I love you' kiss. Once we drew away we joined hands and I grabbed my suitcase, we walked out of the house together, in love.

ALRIGHT! Everyone, how did you like it? This one was 1227 words long, I know I need to make them longer, but I'm working on it. Tell me if I like it, so I can make it a 100 part story for you guys. STAY HAPPY NOT CRAPPY!

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