Together Part one

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Lilliana P.O.V
I walked up the winding path to my school, my hands trembling. This happened to me every day, I have anxiety and just the thought about going up to people and being an open lesbian, honestly scared the living shit out of me. I have to meet up with my girlfriend, Tiara, in our secret place inside of the school. Today we want to open up, but I see the looks the teachers give us in the hall when we hold hands secretly or sit in the back of the class with each other. They know about us and I know they don't accept us, and that's why i'm not up for telling the rest of the school. They aren't afraid of our gender or how much we kiss, or saying 'I love you.' That's just couple stuff, we save that for our own time with each other. They hate us...sometimes I hate us too. Not all the time though, it's just when I hate myself. I love her, she is my everything the only thing that keeps me going in the morning. They are afraid of the will of being with each other forever, not caring what they tell us. I stopped walking up the winding path and froze at the pair of double doors in front of me. Hesitantly I opened the doors, and walked through trying to ignore the stares from the teachers and staff like I do every day.

"Hello, Principle Sanatora!" I exclaimed trying to sound like the straight A's student that I am. I got straight A's because of how strict my mom is. It kinda started when she forced me to read the bible every day after school. I think she hates me. We've all heard the expression "every mother loves her child"...but just how true could that be? Is that everyone's truth?

"Hello, Lilliana! How are you doing today?" She asked me, with something a little off in her tone than usual, happier almost?

"I'm good, anything happen lately?" I hinted at her chirp full attitude. She chuckled and then turned to a joking serious face.

"Well, nothing. I just need to act happy for the head master." She whispered the last part. Principle Sanatora was my favorite teacher in the whole school hands down, and then as if her usual self came back she walked away.

I walked off going down the hall to Tiara and I's secret place, the old girls bathroom. Once I finally reached it I opened the door to look for the beautiful face I've been wanting to see all morning. My boots clicked on the old molded tiles, as I looked in a stall I bumped into that same beautiful face falling butt down. Tiara laughed and crawled on top of me tickling me unmercifully. I laughed so loud she had to cover my mouth with her hand, which resulted in me licking it.

"Someone help me! Cooties!" Tiara exclaimed aloud, rolling on the floor. I crawled over to her arm and gave her the statutory cootie shot.

"Circle circle, dot dot, now you have your cootie shot!" I exclaimed playfully.

"I swear sometimes I'm dating a five year old," Tiara laughed. I did a double take, bitch said what?

I made a pretend telephone with my hand, "Uh, yes, hello police? Yeah we have a child pervert on the loose..." she gave that 'really?' look but it soon turned into a smile.

Tiara yawned and lousily stretched her arms out with a tired breath. "I got no sleep last night." I looked at her and rubbed her arm sympathetically.

"Well since we have nothing to do," I hinted. She got the hint and leaned on my shoulder. We both relaxed as I hummed some songs I was making up in my head. Soon I didn't see anything anymore, just tired blackness.

After a little while I woke up, tired not fully awake so I got up and walked over to the rusty faucet. The water filled my cupped hands and I threw the cold liquid on face, I gasped at the ice cold water making contact with my skin. Tiara started stirring on the floor in her sleep so I walked over to her and kissed her forehead to wake her up, and just as I imagined she woke up in a haze.

"Hey, you." She said in an exhausted voice, so to wake her up a bit more I used the excess water on my hands and wiped it on her face.

"What the frick?!" Tiara wasn't always one for swearing even though she looked like she would. I walked over to the disgusting old stall and stood on the toilet and looked out of the window, part of the reason this bathroom isn't allowed to be used anymore. Tiara followed and furrowed her brow, confused on why I was standing on a toilet.

"What are you even trying to accomplish?" She asked me, chuckling a little bit. Her laugh is the cutest thing that I've ever heard, and I hear myself speak all of the time! I'm sorry that was really egotistic of me, wasn't it?

"Well my good lady, I am going to skip school today! And don't even tell me not to because I know you don't want to come out of the closet yet!" I told her, confidence lacing every word that I said. She knew it was true and so did I.

"Oh...well fine! I'm feeling like such a bad ass!" I could tell she was nervous, scared, and excited all at the same time and honestly I'm feeling exactly the same way as her right now. I grabbed her hand and helped her stand on the toilet, while doing so I almost fell over. I drew my elbow back and slammed it against the glass frame, breaking it. I knew that the alarm would go off any second so I hopped out and Tiara stuck halfway out.

I wouldn't be so serious and dramatic about it if it wasn't the case that if her and I had come out in this town we could be shot. That's just how it is here. Dirty.

I carefully grabbed her waist and pulled her out making sure not to cut her on the broken glass. We both tightly gripped each others hands while running from the school. Our breathing started getting heavy as I noticed a near by park, I slowed my pace a little and hand in hand we walked over to it. Once we got into the up to the gate, I released my grip from Tiara's hand and placed it on the rusted over gate to pull it open, more like pry it open it is so hard to open it!

"Need any help, my good sir?" She asked in a posh voice, pretending to be from the victorian era. And frankly she did it quite well too!

"Why yes ma'am, I do !" I copied after her posh voice, pretending to be a real gentleman even though I really wasn't any good at it. She placed her hands on the gate with me and pulled, apparently it likes Tiara so it opened....or she's just stronger than I am.

ALRIGHT! Thank you all for reading part one of my short story/fan fic. This is my back-up account, but I will be using this as my main any ways so if you're wondering why I am not updating it's because I've lost my password to my other account, and forgot to confirm my e-mail. This is just a short story for now, but if you like it tell me so I can continue it and honestly I really like this one. I have great ideas for it! STAY HAPPY NOT CRAPPY!

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