District 12 Female Tribute. - Angela Kopperstone. (@AngelaKopperstone.)

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District 12 Female Tribute. - Angela Kopperstone. (@AngelaKopperstone.)

Name: Angela Kopperstone.

Age: 16.

District: 12.

Personality: mysterious, athletic, loving and caring but knows when to be serious, bipolar, knows to how kick some ass:P, survivor and she loves to swim<3. she's focused on what she does. can accomplish whatever she sets her mind to. she's loves the color black and hates pink. she hates the girlie girls because she thinks that they are a waste of time and talent.

Appearance: tomboy. and a big one well not that big either, hates the whole "no you can't cuz you're a girl" thing. That's why she trained herself. medium brown hair that fall down to her boobs, about 5'4 tall, fair but not that beautiful. she doesn't care tho because well she doesn't.

Strengths: smart and knows how to work stuff. a go-with-the flow kinda person, knows how to kick some ass, is pretty awesome with a sword, and not that bad with a bow and arrow, has good aim and is really good under pressure. u can say grace under pressure. she loves a good competition it motivates her and gives reason to do whatever it is that needs to be done, great swimmer and runner. like i said she's athletic so yeah. she's a hunter so she's pretty good at snares and all that stuff.

Choice of Weapon/Weapons: she's good with any weapon but her favorites are the sword and the bow and arrow.

Family Background: dad died in some terrible misunderstanding and accident even though he was great at kicking ass. he was her teacher after all. he was shot in the skull. blood trauma to the head ya know? she has a little brother, Jake who well works at the bakery or something. Her mom, was pretty sad but she hunts too. So that's how they get the food. Hunting and working and buying and selling. Trading game for food and other stuff. They really could use some money. Winning the hunger games seemed like a good idea. Her mom was awesome at writing so it was passed onto her. Her writing skills from her mom and hunting skills from both and singing skills from her dad. Her brother was learning to hunt but he was still pretty small. he was just 9.

Reaped/ Volunteered: her friend, Valerie. was reaped and to say it in the most kindest way-she sucked. She was the only one who knew Angela could write awesomely. It was kinda a secret. Valerie was smart but she might not be able to survive for long in the games. Besides Valerie was the only friend she had. others thought she was a bitch. and heartless for a girl. killing animals and all. some loved her cuz a chick with weapons is really well cool ya know. so she volunteered instead of Valerie.

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