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The winner of this task gets a dedication on this chapter. You can also have either a shoutout, another dedication or have me read any of your stories. Your choice. :)


District 1 Female. - Emerald. (@anniecrestadistrict4.)

I wake up with a jolt, as I hear a soft crackle of the loud speaker.  "This year, the feasts hall be brought forward most of you need something desperately-" Firein starts his voice echoing out of the speaker, but I don't listen. I am already standing up, grabbing at the weapons that I have carefully concealed. I shall be the first in, I shall be the one to get what I need most, but what do I need? What is it I need. I think to myself. I have food, water, weapons even medicine what more could I need. I shrug my shoulders  and keep walking. Hoping to get there before everyone else.

I do, as I reach the designated area at the top of the volcano. I see I am first there, my pack is calling yo me begging me to come take it, so I do. I sneak over one of the rope bridges and grab at my bag. Quickly making sure no one else is there I run, clutching my bag tight to my chest I run, praying I won't be caught praying I won't be hurt. Praying there Is something useful in the bag.

I run until I can't run anymore, making sure I am camouflaged I carefully open my bag to see what is inside. I look inside the bag, it is full of makeup. Lipsticks, foundations eye shadows.

"Yeah I soo needed this" I yell at the closest camera. But as I look closer I see that the products could easily be used off camouflage, well if they are applied properly, so that is what I do. I apply the makeup, camouflaging myself into the background smiling slightly as I do it. I send I silent thank you to the Capitol and fall asleep, I am awoken by a loud bang and the Capitol anthem. Fluff faces appear up in the sky, bug i do nog recognise one of them. I shrug my shoulders and go back to a blissful sleep.

District 2 Male. - Caleb Red. (@merthurisawesome.)

I hadn't expected the feast to be so soon. What had made the gamemakers bring it forward? There's only 8 of us left, and we're all tired and injured. I still wonder to myself how i got this far. The lonely saddo from district 2 that no one liked - not even my own parents. If i die today, then i'll die happy knowing i got this far.

I looked solemnly down at my leg and stopped at the point where my Fergus had stabbed me. It had worsened considerably since the tubes. The skin around the wound was red and inflamed, my trouser looked like it had been dunked into a bucket if blood. Every gentle touch brought searing pain that ricketed up my body and made me feel sick. I needed medicine.

I was standing by a tall, wide oak tree. I saw 8 packs sitting innocently on a raised table, un aware of the onslaught which was soon to begin. I needed to think of a gameplan, it would be suicide to do so otherwise. I knew i didn't want to be the first to make a move, i calculated the speed i'd be able to run - which isn't very fast due to my injury. Once i grab my pack i will need to run into the forest and find a stream for some water and some cover like a cave so that i could recover in safety.

The adrenelin was pumping through my vains, it was a nervewracking wait. A figure rushing out from the trees caught my eye: Calypso Arvin. I squinted and i could just make out a broken nose, she ran up and grabbed her pack, which looked like food. As she turned her back a slim wooden arrow flew through the sky, and embedded itself into Calypso's neck. I grimaced as she fell the ground.

Jonas retrieved his bow and grabbed his pack and crouched on the table, arrows at the ready. I watched in horror as Emryselle soon had her life taken by Jonas. This was indeed a sick reminder of what this game was about. Although i smiled as i saw a group of tributes sneak past, they must be all allies.

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