District 2 Female Tribute. - Meegan. (@rueandprimforever.)

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District 2 Female Tribute. - Meegan. (@rueandprimforever.)

Name: Meegan (mee-gan ........ not Megan).

Age: 14.

District: 2.

Personality: Can be angered easily so you don't want to get on her bad side but Meegan can also be very sweet t people she likes or knows.

Appearance: Meegan has a very small frame but great upper body strength usually used to her advantage. She has long dark hair and green/hazel eyes making her great at camouflage.

Strengths: Because of Meegans great upper body strength and small frame she is excellent at climbing but she also has a photogenic memory making it easy for her to remember all of the edible plants. She can also memorize who all of the tributes are, what district they are from and their strengths and weaknesses.

Choice of Weapon/Weapons: Blow gun, throwing knifes, a throwing axe and a sword.

Family Background: Meegan was trained for the games her entire life by her obsessive parents who had a dream of their only child becoming a victor. As well as attending the training most district 4 citizens get Meegan was often starved and abused by her parents as they wanted her to know what it will be like in an arena. At the time of Meegan's first reaping she was too nervous and scared to volunteer. Meegan's parents were outraged by this and abandoned Meegan which left her having to train small kids how to fight to make enough money for food. This year Meegan will prove to her parents that they made the wrong decision abandoning her. She will win these games!

Tokens: A small blade that one of the children Meegan trains to fight gave her.

Reaped/ Volunteered: Meegan Volunteered to prove to her parents that she can win the games!

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