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I sit waiting for my turn trying to stop the flutters in my stomach. Seriously?! Flutters? What guy has flutters in their stomach? I can’t believe that I said flutter…  I think I’m trying to distract myself from my interview.  I’m going second, not my favorite place but better than first. I’ll admit I’m a little bit nervous…  Just a little, not much at all… I might be rambling. STOP!  …  Great, now I’m yelling at my brain. Why is this happening to me? What can I do distract myself… what to do… what to do…  Eh, I’m wearing a pair of black pants tucked into brown leather combat boots, a wine colored t-shirt with a fleece lined denim vest. A black and green beanie over messy hair, a red and silver braided bracelet on my left wrist, a gold and green watch on my right wrist and a ruby ring on my right ring finger.  Apparently ruby is my birthstone whatever the heck that is. I’m glad they didn’t cover me in glitter or anything. I actually like my outfit.

I wonder why everyone is looking at me…

“Castle Darkstorm?!“

Oh... I guess it’s my turn. I stand up and walk towards the stage.

“Ah, at last Castle Darkstorm from district one!” Ravenna Flickerman, the biggest flirt in all of Panem, exclaims.

The crowd laughs as I turn bright red.

“Sorry, I wasn’t really paying attention,” I say not really meeting Ravenna’s eyes.

“Not to worry. You’re not the first tribute to do that,” says Ravenna with a smile, “Now I have to ask you, how are you enjoying the Capitol?

“It’s pretty cool, very different than back home.”

“Better or worse?”

“Well I love all the different foods and the everything is so comfortable, but I really miss Treize.”

“Is Treize your girlfriend?” Ravenna asks looking sad. Doesn’t she know that she’s a little bit old for my?

“No,” I say trying not to laugh.

“What’s so funny,” asks Ravenna pouting now.

“Treize is my daughter.”

“Soooo you have a girlfriend?”

“No.”  Why does she look so confused?

“You have a daughter, but not a girlfriend???”

“OH! YES! NO!” great now I’m confusing her even more. “She’s my sister’s daughter, but my sister disappeared last year so I raise Treize.”

“OHHHHHHHHHHHHH… So we probably have time for one more question.”


“What is your favorite thing in the Capitol?”

“I would say the food. The chocolate cake is the best ever!”

“I think that you should tr…” DING “Ladies and Gentlemen, CASTLE DARKSTORM!”

Well that was strange…

I walk off the side of the stage and watch as the rest of the tributes are interviewed.  Karleigh McConyll looks like she could be an interesting competitor; I might ask her if she wants to form an alliance. I kind of like her.  She’s also kind of pretty, but I don’t like her. Well not like her like her… I respect her like her…    Maybe I should stop eating chocolate cake it makes me seem drunk…  Squirrel!

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