A Small Rant from the GameMakers!

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A Small Rant from the GameMakers!

"All Tributes from Districts 1 - 12 meet in the training room where there will be a short announcement from the Game Makers!" a metallic voice calls. You glance nervously at your mentors and the Tribute you came with from your District. They shrug their shoulders back at you, they are just as confused as you. You get in the lift and go down to the training room to find just a small table in the middle of the room but with no weapons to be found anywhere in the room. One of you pick up the letter and read it aloud to the other Tributes from all twelve Districts who are with you:

Dear Tributes,

It has come to our attention that many of you Tributes have not filled in your form for the first Task. We have allowed the Tributes who were ill, busy or haven't sent it a four day allowance. But please we do need these forms or let's just says there will be a few surprises coming you way! Today you are lucky as we are feeling very generous to give you four extra days. We will expect task two to be sent to the Head GameMaker! If the head GameMaker does not receive all task two entries by the set date your Tribute will be automatically up for elimination. Happy Hunger Games and may the odds be ever in your favour!!!

The Tributes who have four extra days:

> DISTRICT FIVE MALE - THOMAS. (@beckamccullough.)

> DISTRICT EIGHT FEMALE - SAPPHIRE. (@theamazingsapphire.)



Claudia, Rian and Helvecta.

Authorised by Head GameMaker,

Firein Magwhite.

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