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Two figures sat at a large table awaiting the arrival of the Head GameMaker. "When do you think Firein Magwhite will arrive here?" Rian asked. Claudia shook her head, unsure how to explain what the hold up was. Claudia had fiery blood red hair and sapphire blue eyes. Her eyelashes were painted with a luminous purple mascara. Her skin was a ghostly pale and her nails were striped with blue and red and were the length of talons. Rian had short blond hair highlighted with blue. His eyes were green with amber flecks and his skin had freckles splattered across his face. "Has your sister Helvecta gone to show Firein the way here?" Claudia asked. Rian rolled his eyes, any mention of his sister resulted in that reaction.

"Yes she has. Of all the people to show the Head GameMaker here, like he doesn't know where this meeting will be, it had to be my strange sister." Rian said. Rian had a accent that sounded like Welsh. He had always told everyone that his parents were both Welsh and everyone had always believed him. He glanced around the room his green eyes showing boredom while the smirk on his face showed that he seemed to find something amusing. "What's so funny?" Claudia asked.

"Just wait and see what my sister is wearing." Rian replied still smirking. Claudia nodded staring at her talon like fingernails before glancing up at Rian. "You seem to find everything funny." she commented.

"It's the best way to live." he said staring into her blue eyes. He placed his long pale hands on the table delicately, his nails clear of any nail vanish but they were bitten down to the wick, he lowered his gaze from Claudia's eyes to stare at his hands, his blond and blue hair falling into his eyes. Claudia glanced down at his hands watching as the bones stuck out against his skin with every movement of his fingers, her eyes tracing his bright blue veins. Claudia got to her feet flicking her hair back from her face as she did so. She moved over to the holographic screen tracing a finger down the side of the screen. "I hope Firein will like the arena this year. It's not as good as my past designs." she spoke self-consciously. Rian got up, putting a arm around her shoulders.

"I'm sure he will love your designs, they are ALWAYS amazing!" Rian said, his face so close to Claudia's that his breath tickled her face and blew her hair backwards. He placed his forehead against her's.

Claudia blushed as she stared deep into Rian's bright green eyes. "But you know what Firein does to GameMakers when he doesn't like their designs." she said, her nerves making her voice crack.

"I won't let that happen." Rian said. "I'll be here. Just stare at me if you get nervous." Claudia smiled. "You can do this Claudia." he added before brushing his lips against hers. There was a loud knock on the door and Rian jumped away from Claudia returning to his seat just as the door opened. Claudia bit her bottom lip as Helvecta walked in with Firein Magwhite right behind her. She glanced at what Helvecta was dressed like and her lips twitched trying to form a smile. She glanced at Rian smiling a little as he winked and mouthed, I believe in you. Rian's sister Helvecta was dressed in a orange dress and had bright orange nails. Her eyelashes were coated with black mascara and her lips were a crimson red. Unlike her brother she did not speak with a Welsh accent as she chose to hide it but every so often it would creep up on her and fill her trilling voice. She had electric orange hair combed back in a long ponytail her eyelids were coated with orange eye shadow. Claudia couldn't help but think that she looked like a walking talking orange.

Helvecta sat opposite her brother at the table as Firein Magwhite sat at the top of the table. He was dressed in a red suit that shimmered like flames. His hair was spiked backwards and was also red. He sat down and indicated for Claudia to start. She flicked the screen on and went onto explaining her design. "Well I was thinking that this year the Games would be set on a desert island. With deep inky water with all manners of dangerous creatures inside. The podiums would be set on top of the volcano here." she said pointing to the 24 podiums on the edge of the rim of the volcano. She paused when she noticed Firein's expression, he had neither a look of interest or a look of hate on his face. Her bottom lip trembled. She glanced towards Rian, his eyes alight with excitement he grinned her and sent her a slight thumbs up. She smiled before continuing to explain her design. "The Cornucopia would be situated above the lava inside the volcano and the Tributes would have to run across these rope bridges here to reach the Cornucopia and to get away. There will be no trees near to the volcano. Any form of shelter such as trees or caves will be about a three hour journey away from the volcano. But the Tributes will have to be quick as they will have just under an hour to get away from the volcano before it erupts. And the rope bridges are very, very long and extremely dangerous because as they are running along the bridges will begin to break and the weapons will fade away if they don't get there before the volcano erupts." Claudia said. The Head GameMaker got to his feet and Claudia gulped. Rian tensed his knuckles on the table as Firein stepped towards Claudia a unknown emotion making his eyes glint dangerously.

"Well done my dear." he said with a grin. "You have outdone yourself this year! What a remarkable arena you have created!" Claudia beamed with pride as Firein pressed a button on the side of the holographic screen and the faces of the twenty four Tributes appeared on the screen. Two sheets of card were placed on the table by an Avox as they brought in drinks for the GameMakers. One of the cards was labelled Sponsors and had the names of Rian, Helvecta, Claudia and Firein on. The other card also had Chosen To Die First written on it. The GameMakers sipped from their drinks watching as Firein scribbled four Tribute's names down before he passed the card around to Rian, Claudia and Helvecta. Firein picked up the second card and scribbled down some other names. "Well done everyone. I'm sure this will be the best Games ever!" he said sipping from his drink the cards on full show, now complete with Tributes names on them.



























A/N: Well there you go! Here are the sponsored Tributes! I felt evil writing these names down for the Chosen To Die list. But as these people had to withdraw it was the only way I could think of getting their characters out of the games. So they are to be killed by the GameMakers so in your second task entries (when I post the second task) do not write about your Tribute killing these Tributes as they will be killed by the GameMakers. Happy Hunger Games and may the odds be ever in your favour!

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