random quotes

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I opened up to a random page in each book of The tmi series, and put a quote down;here are the quotes!
City of bones➰
"A common brown rat, nothing exotic"
"I don't care what kind of rat he is," Clary said crossly. "I want him turned back." Magnus scratched His head thoughtfully, shedding glitter."
~pg: *240*
City of ashes➰
"Alec, my darling. Clary. And rat-boy." He swept a bow towards Simon, who looked annoyed. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"We came to see Jace," Clary said. "Is he all right?"
"I don't know," Magnus said. "Does he normally just lie on the floor like that without moving?"
~pg: *135*
City of glass➰
I opened the book to the back and guess what quote I got...
"The battle on brocelind plain is ending. Morgenstern's hold over his his demons vanished with his death. Already many are fleeing; the rest will soon be destroyed. There are Nephilim riding to the shores of this lake at this very moment. If you have a request, shadowhunter, speak it now. The angel paused. And remember that I am not a genie. Choose your desire wisely.
Clary hesitated-only for a moment, but the moment stretched out as long as any moment ever had. She could ask for anything, she thought dizzily, anything- an end to pain or world hunger or disease, or for peace in earth. But then again, perhaps these things weren't in the power of angels to grant, or they would have already been granted. And perhaps people were supposed to find these things for themselves.
It didn't matter, anyway. There was only one thing she could ask for, in the end, only one real choice.
She raised her eyes to the Angel's.
"Jace," she said.
I love that Clace quote so I'm just going to put the quote after this page.
"You're alive," she whispered. "Really alive."
With a slow wonderment he reached to touch her face. "I was in the dark," he said softly. "There was nothing there buy shadows, and I was a shadow, and I knew that I was dead, and that it was over, all of it. And then I heard your voice. I heard you say my name, and it brought me back."
"Not me." Clary's throat tightened. "The angel brought you back."
"Because you asked him to." Silently he traced the outline of her face with his fingers, as if reassuring himself that she was real. "You could have had anything else in the world, and you asked for me."
She smiled up at him. Filthy as he was, covered in blood and dirt, he was still the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen. "But I don't want anything else in the world."
Pg: *496* and *498*
City of fallen angels➰
"Remember London? The parties at de Quincey's? Remember Will herondale? I know to do. That boy of yours, that lightwood. They even look alike."
"Do they?" Magnus said, as if he had never thought about it.
"Pretty boys have always been your undoing." She said. "But what can some mortal child give you? Ten years, twenty, before dissolution begins to claim him. Forty years, fifty, before death takes him. I can give you all of eternity."
He touched her cheek. It as colder than the floor had been. "You could give me the past," he said a little sadly. "But alec is my future."
Pg: *262*
City of lost souls➰
I'm just going to give the quote on the next page because the page I turned to was mostly jace and clary stuff...like in
"I remember everything about last night," he said. "And t makes me crazy, because it was me but it wasn't. When we're together, I want it to be the real you. The real me."
"Isn't that what we are now?"
"Yes." He raises his head, kisses her mouth. "But for how long? I could turn back to him any minute now. I couldn't do that to you. To us."
Pg: *400*
City of heavenly fire➰
"All right," he said.
Magnus whipped toward him in the dark, all coiled energy now, all cheekbones and shimmering eyes. "Really?"
"Really," Alec said. He reached out a hand, and interlinked his fingers with magnus's. There was a glow being woken in Alec's chest, where all had been dark. Magnus cupped his long fingers under alec's jawline and kissed him, his touch light against Alec's skin: a slow and gently kiss, a kiss that promised more later, when they were no longer on a roof and could be seen by anyone walking by.
"So I'm your first ever shadowhunter, huh?" Alec said when they separated at last.
"You're my first so many things, alec lightwood," Magnus said. "
Pg: *667*

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