tags and collages!

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So I got tagged by Will, WilliamxHerondale !!
Here we go!!

-Favorite Disney/TV Show?
• I was just thinking about that! Does anyone remember good luck Charlie or wizards of Waverly place? I LOVED THOSE!! WIZARDS OF WAVERLY PLACE WAS AMAZING! AND SO WAS GOOD LUCK CHARLIE! If you haven't seen those both, go watch them! They are amazing!!

- If you could have any pet, what would it be?
• Dog!! I really want a dog!!

-Favorite band/artist:
• Well, I like Charlie Puth, and some other people like him. Oh and ruelle of course! Ruelle is amazing!!

- Describe yourself in one sentence:
•Amazing. Just kidding!
A bookworm obsessed with TMI, although she is pretty smart and can be sassy at the same time, and can be humorous and sarcastic!;)

- What is one quality you favor about yourself?
• I always can make someone happy if they are down in the dumps because I usually try to be happy and I laugh A LOT which usually spreads and gets other people laughing.

- What is your favorite childhood memory?
• I have too many to list!

- If you could live in any age,  what would it be?
• I agree with WilliamxHerondale , I would live in the Victorian era so I can see Will!!!

- What would your ideal world look like?
• Just a place where you can sit and read. Tons of libraries! And tons of books, there would be all of these different fandoms assigned to a certain part of the world. Like tmi would be the north part of the world,  tid the south, etc. And then whatever your fandom is, decides what you live like! TMI would have a lifestyle of shadowhunters, etc.

- What is your favorite TV show?
• Well, it's shadowhunters even though it's not playing currently right now. I also love shark tank and brain games!

- If there could be one thing you change about yourself, what would it be?
• Either my eyes because I gave brown eyes which are so boring and blah! I would want blue/green eyes,  or gold Jace eyes!! Or...  I would change that I say 'like' way too much! It's a habit and I literally say 'like' five times in a sentence!

- If you could change your name, what would it be?
• I hope everyone knows that Pickles isn't my real name, so I would definitely change my name to pickles!! ;)






-Now for the tag, just answer those same questions, and tag me in the beginning so I can see it!!

➰Now the fun part: collages I made!!!


YAY! ↑↑





Some questions about LM↑

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