tag.... again

41 6 18

I got tagged by the wonderful Ivy, Forever_Shadowhunter ,
Here we go!

Least favorite movie:

•Harry and the Hendricksons or something like that. My family watched that movie all the time in the car, and I just hate it!! I have lots of other unliked movies, but this one just popped up in my mine first.

Roller or ice skating:

•Roller skating because I can actually roller blade. Ice skating-ha, thats funny, I would NEVER be able to do that.

CARmel or CARAmel:

•CARAmel. I HATE when people say CARmel.

Favorite way to eat potatoes:

•Mashed or baked. :)

Battery %:

•I was listening to music all night, so my battery is pretty low. It's at 55%

Last book you finished:

•Catching fire. I'm on mocking Jay now!

Favorite school subject:

• Math!! I love math soooooooo much!!! +-•√%/=#()$

Big or little dogs:

•Well, puppies start out as little dogs and can grow into big dogs, but I think the question is saying after the dog is a puppy..... I'll have to go with big digs then.

Forest or beach:

•Forest because I hate the beach, and there's more things to do in a forest. You can climb trees, play hide and go seek, (it's much shadier), and it's less dangerous in my opinion. In the ocean, you can get bit by a shark, stung by a jellyfish, get pulled out by the current, get a bad sunburn, or drown. So many bad things can happen. In a forest you could, possibly trip over rocks or something, (keyword possibly), or I don't even know what else. Walk into a tree? 😂😂

Green or red apples:


Sun or moon:

•Hmmmmmmmmm... The moon.

Fire or water:


Earth or wind:


I tag:





If you got tagged, Just do the same questions!

If you got tagged, Just do the same questions!

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Have fun:)

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