Chapter 18

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Kaylin Dark

"How is the food?" Barry asked as I chewed my burger. I gave him a thumbs up.

"Ten out of ten. Hasn't changed in a long time. How about your food?" I questioned. He nodded.

"Same score. Can I ask you something?" I nodded, wiping my mouth with a napkin. "Where did we go on our first date? Actually, when was our first date?" I chuckled.

"You really wanna know?"

"Oh yeah. Totally. I'm curious as to see how long it took to make me realize how amazing you really are." I blushed a bit, making him smirk.

"So I was telling you about when we first met. I was watching you guys through the window on my mission from my father. You know, kill The Flash. That mission." He nodded again. "So Joe saw movement outside of the window. I bolted. I wasn't take any chances. My father, who had his speed at the time, wasn't going to come and rescue me because he was working on some stupid invention. I ran for it. Joe had a gun pointed at me as I ran. Suddenly I was tackled to the ground. Joe was still ten feet behind me. You had sped out of the house and tackled me to the ground. When I wouldn't answer your question about who I was you slammed my head into the ground." Barry winced. I nodded.


"Yeah. Ouch." We both laughed. "You went through the Medical ID on my phone and found out my name, age, and my father's name since he was my emergency contact. I headbutted you, catching you off guard. I pulled you up off of the ground and held you in front of me since Joe was still pointing that damn gun at me. I told him that if he didn't drop the gun then I would snap your neck." Barry's eyes widened.

"Would you have done it?" I shrugged.

"Looking back, I probably would have. I had only known bad and evil in the world. But luckily Joe complied and set his gun down, kicking it towards me. I ran to my car that was a block away and drove away. When I got home I had my father tell me why he wanted to kill you. It was stupid so I left. I went rogue. Right when I stepped out the door you sped me away to Jitters and placed us on the rooftop. I didn't know that at the time, but found out a few weeks later. I didn't know your identity. I just called you 'Flash' and 'The Flash'. No one told me your name. You struck a deal with me when I asked your name. You tell me your name if you could take me out on a date." Barry's face went bright red.

"I seriously made that deal? You were going to kill me earlier that day and I wanted to go on a date with you?" I nodded, still smiling a bit.

"I said the same thing. But you told me that I wouldn't have killed you. That there was good in me. I just didn't know it yet. I agreed. Our first date was the next day and I got to pick the place. We went to-"

"Jitters?" I shook my head.

"Nice try, but no. Big Belly Burger. At this very booth." He started dying laughing.

"No way!" I took a bite of my burger. "So that's why you wanted to sit here. It's a special place to you." The door chimed and I looked up to see Cisco walk in. When he spotted me he went to turn and walk out.

"I'll be right back," I told Barry before racing after Cisco. I grabbed his arm, spinning him around. "Hey."

"What do you want, Kaylin?" I frowned slightly.

"Look, I know I hurt you but you don't have to be a dick about it. I never planned on it happening. It just...did," I explained. Cisco nodded, not looking me in the eyes.

"I thought that we could have a future together, Kaylin. Do some Eddie and Iris thing and say, 'Screw fate.' But I guess not. I guess you and Barry are meant to be together." I shook my head.

"You saw that bi-line on the article in the time vault. Iris West-Allen. I changed the future, Cisco. I screwed it up when telling you about my time travel. He ends up with Iris." I glanced at Barry who was scrolling through his phone. "I'm just trying to keep him happy so he doesn't lose focus on Zoom," I said quietly. Cisco's eyes widened. "I never lost feelings for you. When Barry kissed me I panicked! I didn't know what to do. He just kissed me out of nowhere. And what Lisa never said was that I didn't respond to Barry when he told me he was in love with me. I made up some excuse about you needing me home."

"I don't know. It hurt me so damn much," Cisco said. I nodded.

"I know. And it hurt me to see you hurt. Please don't ruin our friendship over this. We both have been through so much."

"We were supposed to be a family."

"I know. But I don't know what a family is like. My father killed my mom when I was little and he was never a good father. Only cares about himself. Once I was old enough he made me do his dirty work. I've never known what a true family is or what love truly is," I explained.

"It's a bunch of chemicals, Kaylin. Love is just a bunch of chemicals. And you had a family. You had Barry and your two kids."

"They were three when I left! Three! They may not even exist anymore, Cisco!" I hissed. Barry looked over at us. "My whole marriage and family and life in the future doesn't exist anymore. I don't even know how or why I'm still here!" Cisco's eyes widened.

"When you were on Earth-2 you fought Zoom. I saw it in my vision. Zoom saved you somehow. And he did it for a reason. Harry said that Zoom never spares a life. Ever. He saved you for a reason," Cisco explained. I shook my head.

"No. Why would he save my life? I have no use to him. He told Kaylin Wells to kill me," I replied. Cisco shook his head.

"We need to go talk to Harry. Now." I nodded and gestured for Barry to follow us. Instead he sped us to STAR Labs.

"Harry," I said, walking in the basement. He looked up from his invention. "We think we know why I wasn't erased from existence." He raised an eyebrow, waiting for an answer. "Zoom. What if Zoom saved my life? We know that he doesn't spare anyone for anything. So what if he spared me for a reason?" His eyes widened.

"Kaylin, Zoom has both of my daughters. One held prisoner and one as his soldier." I nodded. "But Kaylin is bound to rebel. It's just in her personality. You, though. You're special. You're from another time and you can't die. You can change anything you wanted. Anything he wanted. Zoom, it seems, wants something like world domination. He needs more speed. Caitlin and Jay are working on a serum to get Jay his speed back. Zoom wants to steal Barry's speed. You would make the perfect soldier. You would be his own-"

"Scarlet Soldier. He wants to make me his own soldier. He's going to steal Kaylin's speed and inject it in me while he takes Barry's speed. He wants me to change the course of history," I finished. Harry nodded.


"But how would I do that? I've only time traveled once and that was with the help of the people who recruited me to kill my father. I-" Suddenly I was whisked away and the last thing I heard were Barry's and Cisco's screams. When I looked up I saw Zoom standing over me.

"I heard you were talking about me. Not very nice," he told me. I gulped. Oh shit. "What? Surprised?" I saw Barry speed up behind him. Zoom grabbed me by the throat, my feet leaving the ground. I clawed at his hand, trying to get him to release me.

"Let her go, Zoom!" Barry ordered.

"She may come back to life after I choke the life out of her. But I'd like to see you suffer more, Flash." My eyes widened as he dangled me over the building. "You love this woman. I want you to see me kill her over and over and over again." I reached my wrist when my other hand and pressed down on the button. It was on full power. Zoom looked over to me, seeing what I was doing.

"We know your plan, Zoom," Barry said. "We already know what you plan on doing to her and I."

"So you figured it out. It's too bad that I already stole Kaylin Wells' speed." My hand instantly pulled away from the button. "Say goodbye, Flash." Zoom released his hand from my neck and I let out a scream as I fell from the roof of STAR Labs. I could see Barry racing to save me, but everything went black just before he reached me.

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