Chapter Four

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It's been two weeks since I joined the team and it couldn't get better.

They're so nice and fun, they even make work more interesting. I used to have trust issues and I didn't have any friends after what happened, until now.

It's like I have finally found the right people.

I was collecting a blood sample from the floor when Grissom stepped in.

"Woah, thats a hell lot of blood. What happened in here?!" He walked carefully carrying his kit.

"I know right? Like it was raining blood."

Its true, the room is full of blood, spattered on the walls, the furniture and on the ground. It's terrifying.

"So Jessie, tell me what do you see" Grissom asked.

"Right.... Well I can tell you that there's no way all this blood can belong to one person, maybe two or three more.
There's a high velocity spatter on this wall, suggests that the person was shot, the other blood on the wall indicates that there was a person who was stabbed" I stood next to the body who David was checking for an ID.

"Then why stab and shoot? As long as he had a gun, he could've shot all of them" He seems in deep thought.

"Maybe he came unprepared. Grabbed what was in front of him and killed them"

This is the last field test I'm having and I have to pass it.

"That makes sense. You got anything for us David?" Grissom turned to the guy who was kneeling in front of the body.

"No ID, sorry. The victim was.."

"No no, let Jessie tell us" He looked at me then I got closer and kneeled near the body.

"Well, there are ..... About half a dozen of stabs along the torso and stomach, one of them definitely went through the heart. I'm guessing thats our C.O.D. Struggle marks on both hands, suggesting he fought back"

"Good observation. Did you collect all the blood samples?"

"Yep, and I found two finger prints on the door handle and the desk there."

"Very good. Now I need you to stay here and collect more evidence, after that head to the lab and let Greg run all these blood simple and you run these finger prints"

"Got it" With that he left to check the other rooms. This test is very important I must pass.


3 hours later

Finally I was back at the lab, I entered the lab and found Greg there, reading.


Oh boy..

"Is that a porn magazine?!" That guy is unbelievable.

He quickly closed it and shoved it somewhere in a drawer.

"Pfft no! What made you think that?" His face is flushed.

"Don't hide it Sanders, I know what it is" I chuckled and placed the small evidence bags on the table.

"Ugh, fine it is. But don't tell anybody" He pointed his index finger at me as a warning.

"Your secret is safe with me. Now be a good boy and run these 15 blood samples from me please?" I patted me eyelashes for him and he laughed.

"Will do"

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