Chapter Five

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It's been 2 months since I passed my field test.

I'm in a house, processing the scene. Poor lady she was killed in an ugly way, I mean it. I've never seen something like that before.

I found a partial finger print on the wall, and suddenly someone barged into the room.

I got up quickly and turned around, the guy had a gun pointed at me and I started to panick.

"Sir! Put the gun down!" I raised my hands and looked at him, but he wouldn't. ️

Of course.

"Who are you?! Get out of my god damn house!" The man yelled.

"Sir I'm CSI Jessie Parker, I need you to put the gun down and we'll talk. There's no need to point a gun at me."

I walked 3 steps closer and stopped. My eyes started to form tears and I couldn't help it. Not again.

"What have you done to my wife?! Where's she?!"

"Sir your wife is dead I'm sorry. And I'm here to help you, please lower your gun" I have a gun, but if I take it out I'd be dead.

I started to approach him again slowly, this time he didn't react or do anything.
I lowered the gun he was holding and took it slowly from him, as soon as I did that, Jim Brass and two officers came in and cuffed the guy.

I couldn't help but let the tears stream down my face, just because this happened, it reminded me of the past.

"Hey you okay? Did he hurt you?" Jim came and put his hand behind my back.

"I'm fine, thank you" I sniffled and Jim lead me to the door.

"I'll let someone else complete processing the scene, you go and take a break"

"Really Jim I'm fine, I want to finish this" I looked him in his eyes and gave him a slight smile.

"You sure?"

"Positive. Don't worry"

"Alright, I'll bring more officers just in case" With that he left and called someone.

After I finished I headed back to the lab and gave each one what he has to process. I went to the locker room and changed my shirt into a new one.
When I finished Sarah came and entered the room.

"I heard about what happened. Are you okay?"

"Umm yeah, I'm fine. It's just I remembered something happened years ago" I sat on the bench and she did the same.

"What happened?" Her concerned face looked at me and I sighed. Sarah is like my mother, I tell her everything.

"When I was in collage, I dated that guy, his name is Mark Jones. He was my first boyfriend, I trusted him. And we dated for 6 months, he treated me like how a girl is supposed to be treated. Or thats how it looked like. One day we came back from a friend's party, and he was acting really weird. I just thought something was bothering him so I asked. He just pushed me towards the wall he almost broke my spine. And the other minute he ...."

I paused, all the moments that night replayed in my head and my tears started to fall again. Sarah put her hands on mine and rubbed it gently.

"He.... Pointed a gun at me and told me to get undressed. It was horribel, terrifying actually. And he almost shot my leg and kept calling me a bitch. Next thing I knew he raped me, lost my virginity to this piece of shit. I didn't want it that way" By the time I finished I was sobbing on Sarah's shoulder.

"Shhh, it's okay Jessie. There's nothing to worry about now. You're strong and I know you. It's okay, it wasn't your fault" She rubbed in circles on my bag and I stopped crying.

"Imagine this one small thing happened reminded me of all what happened"

"I know how it feels, we've all been there. Did you call the police back then?"

"Ofcourse, and I guess they still had him"

"Thats good, he wont harm you anymore or harm anyone else"

"Thank you for listening Sarah, I really appreciate it"

She gave me a smile and held my hand again. "I'm on a break now, wanna grab some coffee?"

"I'd love to"

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