Twenty Five

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Jessie's P.O.V.

We kissed.

We literally kissed.

My lips just met his and we kissed, and I started it. And so help me God I don't know why we're still going at it. My whole body is on fire, my arms are wrapped around his neck and his own we're resting on my thighs. I don't know for how long we have been kissing but at one moment or another we had to pull away gasping for air.

"W-wawo, Jess, I-I'm sorry I jus-" Greg started stuttering and I pecked his lips quickly before he can continue.

"Looks like this is the only way to shut you up, huh?" I smirked at him and he averted his eyes shyly looking anywhere but my face.

"Well it worked, didn't it?" He let out a soft chuckle and licked his lips. He was blushing for God's sake.

"I umm.. I really..." Greg started stuttering in his words and he seemed nervous, I laid my hands on his to calm him down and he sighed.

"It's okay, you can tell me. Did this make you uncomfortable?" I asked, scared that I crossed the line.

"No no, it was absolutely fine, amazing actually" he let out a nervous chuckle. "I wanted to say that I really like you, Jess" he looked me with a little fear in his eyes. I paused and looked away from his eyes, this is really happening ?

"I-I'm so sorry, I ruined it didn't I?"

"No no it's okay. I just... Can you repeat what you said please?".

"I... really like you. I have feelings for you".

I stared back... Not knowing if this a reality or a dream.

Greg sighed and held my hands, "Listen, I know you just came out or a traumatic situation and I understand that you might be hesitant to literally anything. Whatever you say, Jess, I will completely understand and be by your side whenever you need anything. If this made you uncomfortable, please tell me. I wanted to wait and confess after a while, after you completely heal from what happened. And I would do anyth-"

"I like you too" I blurted out, cutting him off.

"You what now?"

"I like you too, Greg..." I looked straight into his eyes, letting him know that he's, my feelings are real. It was Greg's time to not utter a word and have his mouth opened, shocked.

"You have no idea how much this means to me, that you care, you genuinely do. And you proved it so many times I lost count. I need time though, to heal as you said. Let's take it slow, yeah? Go on dates and get to know each other more and more. How does that sound?" I looked at him and he started to form a soft smile on his face.

"Sounds perfect, Jess. I promise you we'll work it out. I'm just so happy and relieved that feel the same way about me. Jesus, I almost had a heart attack just confessing" he chuckled and placed his hand on his chest. I laughed and hit him lightly on his arm.

"You're so weird I swear" I said between the laughs, he pouted and and turned to face the TV.

"I'm not weird"

"Yes, you are"

"That makes you weird too"

"Didn't say I'm not"

"Why do you always shut me up huh?!" Greg huffed playfully and I laughed even more, this man I swear...

"I like doing that, now let's watch a movie until we pass out, play with my hair please?" I got comfortable and laid down, resting my head on his lap.

"Yes ma'am"

Half way through the movie and we both were dead asleep, which was the best feeling ever. I felt so safe in his arms, after all of those stressful and mentally exhausting weeks, that's all I needed. In the arms of the man I like, safe and sound in my home. I told myself I can get used to this.


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