Chapter Seven

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Jessie's P.O.V

I can't believe I just said yes.

I mean its great! But I have never went on a date since... You know.

Greg is my Friend, he's amazing. And how could I say no to this man. It feels really weird going out on a date, it's been 4 years wawo. I don't think I was even used to it.

I'm not the normal girl who has a lot of boyfriends and all, I don't like to rush things. Even my friends used to tell me how weird I am, and I used to tell them its just me.

I went back to my apartment and looked into my closet, I don't even know where we are going exactly.
But since we're having dinner I should wear something nice.

I found a black dress with thick straps, it hugged all my curves. I decided to go with natural make-up, not too much. And I got my matching black heels and wore them. I let my hair go down my back naturally and I looked at myself one last time in the mirror.

Not bad.

It's 6:30, he said he'd pick me up at 7. Well I still have half an hour. I sat on the couch and started reading my book. I love reading so much.

At 7 exactly I heard a knock on my door. I got up and looked at myself in the mirror to check. Ready to go.

I opened the door and there he stands, black dress up shirt with dress up pants. It looks expensive! He looks so handsome in it. He looked at me, his mouth is slightly opened eyeing me from head to toe.

"Hey, You look absolutely beautiful" He had this wide smile on his face.

"Thank you. You don't look bad yourself" My cheeks are probably red now, just because he said I'm beautiful?

"Shall we?" He held out his hands for me and I took it. We walked towards his car and he opened the door for me, such a gentleman. I thanked him and he jogged to the other side and hopped in.

We drove and made a little conversation while some music is playing in the background. Greg today didn't look like this lab rat who I always listened to loud music with, he looks..... I don't know if I can find the right word. His hair is done in a different way. And he changed his hair colour, wait...

"You changed your hair colour!" I just realised that when we got out of the car.

"Yeah I did. I like to do this a lot, do you like it?" He chuckled and lead me to the restaurant with him.

"Like it? I love it. It looks good on you" And I stared at his hair.

"Thank you.... Here we are"

The restaurant looks amazing and a bit fancy, but not too much.

The woman behind the desk have us a smile and welcomed us. Soon she lead us to our table and we sat.

"Here are the menues" She gave it to us and left.

"The place looks nice" I looked around and finally at Greg.

"Yeah I like it. I didn't want something too fancy"

"It's like you read my mind" I smiled and looked at the menu.

We ordered drinks and the food, while we waited we had a conversation.

"So Jessie, tell me about you"

"What do you wanna know?"

"Anything" He leaned a bit and listened.

"Well, I'm half American half British"

"Wawo! Really?!" A surprised look was drawn on his face. I smiled and looked at him. "You don't sound British" He said.

"Well I used to talk like that back when I was in London"

The waitress came and placed two red wine glasses on the table.

"So you lived there?"

"Yep. And I studied there as well. It's beautiful there"

"What about your parents?"

"My mum was a famous fashion designer and my dad was an engineer. They died, well my mum died when I was 15 and my dad died 2 years later" I looked at the table and then back at him.

"I'm so sorry" He reached out for my hands and held it.

"Its fine, I got used to it" I have him a reassuring smile. His hands were still on mine, it's way bigger than mine I felt l like I have hands of a baby. But I felt something weird, it's the first time I feel it, and it felt really good.

We ate and had a really good conversation. Then he drove me back to my apartment.

"Thank you so much for all of this. I really had a great time" I said before getting out of the car.

"I had a good time too. We should do it again" He smiled.

"Of course. See you tomorrow Greg"

With that I gave him a kiss on his cheek and left the car.

My stomach was flipping the whole time. In a good way, it was a nice feeling and I couldn't stop thinking about him.

Is that how it feels when you fall in love?

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