Chapter Seventeen

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A month later

Jessie's P.O.V

Me and Greg are now in the lab, writing the report to close the case.
We were sitting on the chairs facing eachother, listening to some music when Greg asked me something.
"Hey Jess?" He sounded nervous.
"I was wondering if you can go out with me tonight?" I looked at him and grinned.
"Like another date?"
"Yeah.... Like a date" He said and looked at the papers in front of him.
"I'd love to Sanders" His head shot up and smiled once the words left my mouth.
"Great. I'll pick you up at 7 is that okay?"
"Yep! I can't wait" I'm so excited!
"I can't wait either"
It's 2 o'clock now so I have plenty of time.

I left the lab at 4 and headed straight to my house.
I had lunch and took a shower, and stood in front of my closet trying to pick something to wear.
I didn't even ask him where we're going.
I dialled his number and he picked up quickly.
"Jessie? You alright?" He said.
"Yes I am don't worry. I just wanted to ask where are we going.. You know, so I can know what to wear" I explained.
"Oh I can't tell you it's a surprise but wear something casual and comfy"
Oh I love it when someone says wear something casual and comfy, cause I seriously don't like wearing heels for a long time.
"Alright, I'll see you soon"
"See you" And I hung up going back to my closet to choose an outfit.
I chose a nice loose white shirt with a pair of jeans, thanks mum for the fashion advices.
Really if she wasn't the one who told what to wear and what not to I would be this person who always has hideous cloths.
I applied a bit of makeup, just some concealer, mascara and a pretty pink lipstick.
I put of my converse and my jacket because it was a bit cold outside.
I waited in the living room for about 10 minutes until I heard a knock on the door.
I ran to the door and opened it but I didn't see the person who I expected to come.
A huge tall guy stood there, a really scary expression on his face and he was ready to punch someone.
I didn't think of anything else I quickly tried to slam the door shut but he stopped me, he was too strong he opened the door strongly and my back hit the wall behind the door.
I let out faint cry of pain and ran to the living room to get my gun.
"Why are you running away doll?" His thick voice echoed through the apartment and I was scared as fuck.
Who the hell is he? And what does he want from me?
I took my phone from my jacket and dialled the first number that I saw.
It was Catherine's.
"Hey Jess, how are you?"
"Catherine! I need help I'm in my house! Ple-!" He snatched the phone and threw it across the room.
I can still hear Catherine calling my name.
"What do you want from me?!"
"Shut up!" He punched me and I held my nose which is now bleeding.
I crawled towards the couch and snatched the gun from underneath it and pointed it towards him but he quickly kicked my hands causing the gun to fly across the room.

I got up as fast as I can kicking him in the legs and he stumbled alittle bit. I came to punch him but he held my hand and twisted it causing me to scream in pain.

"Let go of me !" He didn't obviously, he grabbed my other hand and carried me towards the door, I managed to pull some of his hair and I let these hairs fall on the ground, so they can find who this man is.

He carried me all the way to a black car and threw me into the box and shutting the door leaving me in a pitch black darkness.....

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