Chapter Ten

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Greg's P.O.V.

Once I heard about what happened I went straight to the hospital where Nick and Jessie were.

Jessie passed out on the way to the hospital and she's laying in bed, her arm was wrapped and there was a couple of cuts on her chest and face.
Nick was fine, thankfully. Except that he had cuts on his face, he was perfectly fine. The nurse pulled the curtain away so we can see Nick next to Jessie.

"Hey Nick, how are you doing?" I came near him and sat on the chair.

"I'm good, I feel a bit dizzy" He looked at Jessie.

"Is she okay?" I turned my head to her then back to Nick.

"She still didn't wake up. Doctor said she would in any minute" I explained and he nodded.

How did they feel when they were there? Sure they were scared and confused. But if something worse could've happened they would've been dead by now.

Catherine, Warrick, Sarah and Grissom arrived and checked on Jessie and Nick.

"I bought you your favourite food buddy" Warrick said placing a covered plate on the table.

"Thanks man" Nick smiled at him.
Grissom's phone rang and he picked it up.

"Grissom..... I'll be right there with Sarah" He hung up and looked at all of us.

"Me and Sarah are going, Brass just called he wants us. Greg, go back to the lab after you finish here and resume your work" I nodded and Catherine started talking.

"I processed both of them I'm going back to the lab to see what I can find. Warrick will you come with me?"

"Sure. Take care you guys, and call us when Jessie is awake" Warrick said and I smiled at him. They left and I looked at Nick.

"I have a slight headache" Nick groaned and rested his head back on the pillow.

"Well you should get some sleep. I'll wake you up if something happens if you want to" He smiled at me and closed his eyes.

"Thanks Greggo" With that I left him sleep and went back next to Jessie holding her hand.

She looked so peacful, laying there, breathing lightly and her mouth slightly opened. She's flawless, everything is perfect about her. I've never seen or met someone so beautiful like her.
I felt my hand being squeezed slightly, my head shot up to find her chocolate brown eyes looking at me, a smile plastered on her face.

"Hey.." Her croaked voice said and I smiled back at her getting closer to her face kissing her forehead.

"Hey... Are you okay?" She took a deep breath and sighed.

"I'm fine, I still don't know how did this happen" She looked down at our hands which are held together.

"It's okay, everyone goes through something bad in his life but you gotta get through it. The most important thing is that you're alive and fine. I was so worried about you I left all my work in the lab and came straight to here" Her eyes went back to mine and she tried to sit but she couldn't.

"Greg you have to go and continue your work, I don't want you to have troubles in work. Can you please get me water?" I helped her sit up and grabbed the glass of water on the table and she drank all of it.

"It's okay nothing is gonna happen at work. I'll be back there when I make sure you and Nick are perfectly fine" I sat back and looked at her, she's still frowning, looking like she's in deep thoughts.

"I thought that.... That was it, I'm gonna die. I was scared and confused and lost and just everything mixed up together" Her eyes began to water.

"Hey, hey. Don't cry. Thank god you're okay now and nothing worse happened" I ran my thumb over her hand.

"Is Nick okay? Where's he?"
"He's fine, he's right behind this curtain sleeping. Doctor said you can go out by tomorrow" She huffed and looked around.

"I hate hospitals they're the worst" I chuckled at her childish comment, I love when she does that.


Wooooo, what do you guys think?! I started uploading every now and then because guess what?.... I have finals next month and it SUCKS. I just wanna be done with school and begin my summer vacation already. One year left and I'll graduate from high school.... One year....
But I'll do my best to upload as soon as I can.
Love youuuu all❤️❤️❤️

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