Chapter 4: Are You Serious ?

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Hey Guys, I'm Trying To Keep Up With This Story & My Instagram One . Ugh . Btw, Check Them Out @Spiffy_Storiess!

Welp , I'm Gonna Get To It !......

~Alicia POV~

Afterschool, Ray and our friends went bowling for a little bit. It was pretty fun. Then he dropped some of them off at home and we made our way back to his house.

He parked in his family's long driveway, shut off the car, then stared at me.

"What?", I said smiling.

"You haven't kissed me all day, except this morning", he said as he fake pouted.

"Ooh, you missed these lips don't you", I said, leaning my forehead on his.

"Yaasss!", he said as he leaned in.

I leaned in just a little, let our lips touch, then pulled back.

"Too bad!", I yelled as I hopped out the Hummer and ran up his large, marble, front steps.

"Oooooh you're such a tease !!", he yelled as he got out, grabbed his book bag, then shut the door. "Keep it up , and you're walking home".

We chilled on the couch and watched TV, as we held hands. Sometimes I just think we have the perfect relationship. I don't know what I'd do without him. Don't tell him that though . Haha

~Nicole's POV~

"What do you mean she doesn't know she's adopted?!", Mark yelled.

"I never told her, I didn't know how, and I just looked at her as my own and, after a while, I started believing it.", I said as the tears rolled down my face.

"Well, you better do something about that", Tiffany snapped at me.

"No sh*t Sherlock", I said getting smart. "I'll tell her to come home.. but can you guys act normal, until I tell her. Just stay here, and I'll tell her everything."

"Fine. Do whatever you have to. Just get the little brat on track", Mark said as he pulled out a cigarette and lighter.

"That 'Brat' is your daughter, and I expect you'll treat her that way", I snapped.

"Yeah, My daughter, so I'll treat her how I want", he said as he took a smoke.

"Ugh . And there's No smoking in my house", I said, eyeing him.

"Oh really", he said, sarcastically, as he blew smoke towards me.

"Woo , Lord, they're testing my patience", I mumbled."I'm going to go call my daughter".

~Alicia's POV~

My phone started buzzing and I saw that my mom was calling me.


"Hey baby, where are you?"

"I'm at Ray's. What's up?"

"Um.. I need you to come home. It's urgent."

"Okay... what's going on?"

"I'll tell you as soon as you get here..."

"Alright, I'll have him bring me"

"Kay, and Alicia?"

"Yes Mom."

"I love you, soo much"

Why is she acting like this? She's being weird & I don't know what to expect when I get home ...

"Um , I love you too mom", I said as I hung up.

Ray was looking at me, wondering what that was all about.

"Believe me, I'm just as confused as you are. But babe, I need you to take me home now."

"Aww, already?", he whined as he held me closer.

"Yeah. My moms acting all weird, so I gotta go see what that's all about."

"Ugh fine", he said as he got up & grabbed his keys.

Ray pulled up to my house, gave me a kiss, then watched me walk in. When I opened the door I turned around and waved him goodbye as he pulled off. I turned around, closed the door, and took off my shoes.

"Hey mom, I'm home." I said as I made my way into the kitchen.

When I passed the living room, I saw two people sitting there. There was a ghetto, dead-beat, looking man and a skanky looking woman with bad weave.

"Hi", I said being polite.

"Oh my gosh. Alicia. My you turned out to be a gorgeous girl", the woman said.

"Um. Thanks", I've never seen this lady in my life... but alright.

"Hello", the man said looking me up and down taking a smoke from his cigarette.

Eww. Pervert. He needs to go!

"We don't smoke in my house", I said with attitude.

"You're...mother, told me. Thank you", he said sarcastically.

Let me find my mother before I go off on this man.

"Oh.", I said as I rolled my eyes at him and walked away. I heard him chuckle.

I walked towards the kitchen.

"Hey mom and dad"

"Oh, hey sweety", she said as she quickly got herself together.

She was sitting there with a box of tissue, as if she was crying.

"What's wrong?", I asked. "Why are you crying?"

I sat beside them.

"We have some news for you..", she said as she started tearing up again.

Uh oh . I know its something important.

"What is it..?", I asked.

"Its kind of hard to say hunny", my dad said.

"Whatever it is, I can handle it. Y'all know me... Um.. did someone die?", I asked.

"No... but I'm just going to say it. 1) Sweety You're Adopted.", my dad said as they stared at me, waiting for a response.

But I had no response. I wasn't even sure I still had a pulse.

Then I realized he said 1... meaning there was more.

"Please say something", my 'mom' said as tears streamed out her eyes.

" What's #2?", I said bluntly.

I had no emotion on the outside and I think that shocked them. It shocked me too. But I was fuming on the inside.

"2) Those are you're biological parents in the living room"

My body froze. Those two people were NOT my parents. Am I being punk'd ?

Once again I showed no emotion.

"Is there more", I said staring straight at the wall.

"You're going to live with them for a year, for reasons we can't explain right now.", my dad said as his voice cracked.

Then that's when all the emotions built up at once. I was Angry, Furious, Sad, Hurt, Nervous, Scared, everything you could think of, and I felt it all at once.

"Are you serious?", I asked as tears welled up in my eyes.

"We're so sorry. We never thought anything like this would happen and..."

I honestly have no idea what was said after that. Next thing I know, I was running out the back door and sitting on the couch by our pool. I grabbed a pillow, then started bawling my eyes out. This can't be happening. I knew my life was too perfect. I just knew something was going to happen.

I guess all good things, do come to an end...


How was it ?? I'm curious about any thoughts you guys have.

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