Chapter 10: Building Relationships

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Hey Yall. This Part Of The Story Is Taking Place The Next Day. Yes They Had Their Dinner And Became Closer. Now Dance Classes Have Just Ended .



Alicia POV:

We just finished up the last class of the day. So, I walked in the locker room to change into my clothes for me and Roc's "date" (Thats what he wants to call it). As I was bending over to tie my shoes up, I saw a pair of womens shoes walk up next to me.

"Hey uh, can we talk for a second", the person said.

I looked up and saw the unexpected talking to me.. India

"Um, yeah I guess", I said as I sat up.

"I just wanted to .... um", she started.

"Wanted to what ? If you came to start drama, I don't have ti-"

"I didn't come to start drama! I came to apoligize..", she said as she looked away.

I started to smirk a little then stopped. Who knew she would grow some woman balls and make things right.

"I'm listening..", I said as I picked at my nails.

"I wanted to apoligize for acting that way towards you.. and I wanted to clear the tension between us. I've just been going through alot these past few days.", she said.

"Trust me, you're not the only one. But it's cool of you to do this, and I accept your apology", i said as I nodded .

"SO from now on, we cool?", she asked

"Yeah", I said as I laughed.

"Okay cool", she laughed. "You doing anything right now?"

"Well, I was supposed to go with Roc, he's going to show me around the city..." I said as I stood up and grabbed my bag.

"Oooh yaass , make sure he takes you to the boardwalk, it's soo fun there!" she cheered.

"Alright I will... hey , um, why don't you come with us?!" I asked as that great idea popped up in my head. Maybe it'll be less weird this way.

"Oh. Noo go on and have y'all fun, I don't want to mess any plans up", she said as she started walking away.

"Girl please, you're coming", I said as I grabbed her arm and pulled her out to the parking lot.

"Alright Alright", she laughed.

 When we got out there Roc was patiently waiting by my car.

"Hey you", he said as he gave me a smirk.

Goodness. Makes me melt everytime.

"Hey", I said as I smiled back.

"Ew India, you coming too ?", he joked.

"Yes big-head. Is that a problem?", she joked getting smart.

"Um yes. Go home", he said as I started laughing.

"Y'all are crazy. But who gonna drive? Cus I don't know where to go, and gas ain't cheap !", I said looking at the two of them.

" I will", India said as she looked for her keys.

"Woah, I'm not finna be with y'all two, so y'all can harass me", Roc said as he backed up.

"Boy what, don't nobody care that much for you. Get in", India said as she started up her customized Chevy Malibu.

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