Chapter 15: Plan

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- N E X T M O R N I N G -

 Chresantos mom woke up a little late for work so she decided to check on her son, whom she hasn't seen/spoken to in weeks. She knocked on the door and got no response so she figured he was sleeping. She opened the door and suprisingly saw two bodies in the bed. Once she got closer she noticed an unfamiliar girl wrapped in his arm. She had a feeling that he ws sexually active, but hoped he wasn't. She tapped his arms a few times to wake him up.

"Chresanto." she said as he started waking up.

"Huh?...Mom? What?" he said trying to adjust his eyes to see who he was talking.

"Yes. I was just coming to check on you... who's this?" she said as her voice got a little louder.

"Shh! Mom I'll explain the next time I see you, whenever that is. I don't want her to wake up." he whispered loudly.

"Chresanto when did I tell you, you can bring girls under my roof?" she asked folding her arms.

"When was the last time you said anything to me? Ma just go to work." he said as he turned back over and closed his eyes.

She took in the words her only son said to her and she wasn't going to lie. They hurt . She knew she was busy with work and she didn't see him often...but she didn't know he felt like that. With that, she gave him a saddened look and left the room- and went on her way to work.

Alicia POV

I woke up wrapped in Chresantos arms with my head on his chest and for some reason, I had this feeling of comfort and safety . I looked up at him as he snored with his mouth slightly open. He was so cute. I don't know how I got so fortunate to have him.

I tried to reach my phone but it was a little too far for me to reach so I just stayed. Then I really had to pee so I slowly tried to remove myself from his arms but his grip only got tighter. He wouldn't budge. After a few more failed attempts, I got frustrated and slapped his chest. He instantly woke up.

"Huh?What?" he said in a raspy voice as he adjusted to the light and loosened his grip.

"Thank you." I said as I slipped out his arms and ran to the bathroom.

By the time I came back, Roc was knocked out again so I decided to get dressed. i walked over to my suitcase a dragged it by the bed. I laid it on the floor and unzipped it revealing as much of my wardrobe that would fit. I picked out a floral mini-sundress, a thin brown belt, brown combat boots with studs, and some jewelry and laid them on the side of the bed he wasnt laying on. I got out my body wash, deoderant, and lotion and headed for the shower.

I only spent about 10 minutes in the shower (I mean I don't pay the water bill around here) and walked back in his room with my towel over my panties and bra. I laid the towel on the floor then sat on it and put on my lotion. I had Wu-Tang Forever by Drake playing on low. [ A/N if you haven't noticed, I LOVEEEEE Drake :) ] As soon as I stood up to grab my clothes, Roc woke up saying something when he noticed me half-naked.


"Is that Drake playing? That's my nig-" Roc stopped mid-sentence when he noticed Alicia in basically nothing.

When he looked at her, his eyes went straight from shock to lust. He started getting aroused so he tried to break his glance. He didn't know that that's what her body looked like. She wasn't super skinny. And she wasn't fat. She was the perfect size. Slim waist, thick hips, full breasts, hourglass shape, just what he liked. 

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