Chapter 9: Starting Over

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'Used to Be' Just Came On As I'm Typing :3 Yasss.. (Random)... Well I got nothing to say since I just posted Earlier lol. Soo, I'll Just Start.

The dance rooms in the studio are seperated by big glass windows, so you can see all the dancers, even though they're in different rooms.

Roc POV: 

I watched as the boys did the moves I taught them, when I looked over and saw Alicia. My god, she's beautiful. I really want to get to know her.. I'm going to go start over.

"Y'all are doing great, take 5!" I told them as I ran over to the window behind Alicia and knocked.

Knock, Knock

Alicia POV:

I was doing some of the moves when I heard 2 loud knocks behind me. I turned around and there he was. 

What this fool want ?

"Come here", he mouthed and motioned to me.

"I'll be back India", i said as I walked out.

"Hey" Roc said as he flashed me a smile.

"Hi", I said. I'm not trying to show any interest in this nigga.

"Can we start over? Pleeaseee ", he pleaded.

I chuckled a little.

"I guess. As long as you don't act like an a--whole.", i said

"Aight Ma, I'm Chesanto, but you can call me Roc", he said as he stretched out his hand.

"I'm Alicia, nice to meet you", i said as I shook his hand.

"Well, my five minutes are up, I gotta get back to my class, can we talk after?", he asked as he started walking away.

"Sure", I said as I turned around and went back into the other room.

"Took you long enough", India said as she rolled her eyes.

I heard a couple Oooh's come from the girls which made me even more irritated.

"Look, if you have an issue, we can settle it after the class. Don't flex for these lil girl's cus I will put you in your place.", I snapped.

She scowled at me then said " From the top!". Then all the girls started dancing with exhausted looks on their faces.

"Um they look tired. Have they had a break?', I asked. I was concerned about them because they all looked like they would pass out any moment.

"No. They don't need breaks. They need to be perfect".

This hoe got issues!

"What you mean they don't need breaks!? They're little girls. It's the first day and they've been dancing for three hours straight!", I yelled.

"It's NONE of your business! These are my dancers and I run this here. Okay? So get out my face!",she yelled back.

I looked over and saw all the girls sitting there watcing us.

"Actually, we would like a break now.. if that's okay Ms.India..", one girl said shyly.

I glared at her.

"Fine. Class is over now. Just know that every break you take, is extra time you're taking away from perfection. So that's on you", India said with an attitude as she grabbed her water bottle and walked out.

"She's psycho", one girl whispered to the others.

I started laughing.

"I know right. I promise I'll never be like that y'all", I said smiling at them.

They all started cheering.

"Well anyways, y'all did great. Drink plenty of water and get plenty of rest for tomorrow, since y'all gotta deal with her", I said to them.

"Okay Ms.Alicia", they all said in unison as they ran out to their rides.


After everyone left, I got my stuff together then started walking back to my car when Roc stopped me.

"Hey hey, wait", he panted as he caught up.

"Yes ?"

"Where you headed?", he asked as he looked at my Mercedes Benz.

"Uh, home I guess", I said as I looked at him suspiciously.

"Wanna grab something to eat?"

Hmm ... I am kinda hungry.

"Sure. Where at? I'm not from around here."

"You serious? Well I gotta show you around then", he said smirking.

"How about tomorrow, after work", I suggested.

"It's a date",he winked.


Oh no, did he just see me blush.

Get it together Alicia.

"Um, no no. It's a .. set hangout", I said as we laughed.

"Call it what you want, but it's a date", he said as he looked at my eyes.

I don't know why but when he looked at me, it was like he was looking through me. His brown eyes had me mesmarized for a moment.

"Uh earth to Alicia ?", he said waving a hand in my face.

I shook myself back to reality.

"Huh?", I asked confused.

Geez, what is he doing to me !?

" I said.. are you ready to go eat?"

"Oh. Yeah.. You wanna drive?", I asked.

"Your car?", he asked

"Duh!", I said as I laughed.

"H-ll yeah !", he said as he snatched the keys and hopped in.

This fool. Haha. He's fun. Maybe he's not as bad as he seemed earlier.


Shorter Than I Wanted It To Be, But Ayee, Hope You Guise Enjoyedddd, Welp , See Ya laterr ! :*

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