Chapter 16: Speechless

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Like FRFR, I been adding bits and pieces to this chapter for like 2 weeks. Sorry for the delay. I never had time to finish it sooner.

Hopefully It doesn't suck that bad :P

Enjoy :)

- M I D D L E  O F  T H E  N I G H T-

Roc woke up and saw that Alicia wasn't lying in the bed next to him anymore. He started looking around and saw total darkness. The bathroom light wasn't on so he got up to see if he could find her.

"Alicia? Where you go?" He asked as he got no response.

He went downstairs and saw her in the kitchen sitting at the table. She was holding something in her hand and crying. He ran over to her to see what was going on.

"Babe, what's wrong. Why are you crying?" he asked.

"I'm just homesick. I miss my family. My home. My friends. To just have everything taken away from you so's not easy." she said as she wiped her tears.

"I understand.. what's that?" he asked referring to the object in her hand.

"It's a picture of my family and friends. I found it in my suitcase then the emotions took over."She said as she giggled a little.

"There's that beautiful smile. Don't cry, these next few months will be over sooner than you think."he said as he kissed her cheek. "Come back upstairs, I'm lonely." he gestured for her to follow as he walked upstairs.

After the words left his mouth, he realized that those few months would be over quick. And he wasn't looking forward to it. He liked spending time with her and to have her gone forever? Wasn't what he was anticipating. 

Alicia went back upstairs and laid with him. Then she asked him a question that caught him off guard.

"Roc, are you a virgin?" she asked as his eyes shot open.

"Um," he chuckled "Random, but nah."

"Oh.When did you lose it?"

"When I was like 15."


"Are you?"


"Are you a virgin?"

"Uhh..." she hesitated.

"Why you scared to tell me?" he asked as he laughed.

"I'm not."

"Then tell me."


"Why not?"

"No Idiot, I meant no, I'm not a virgin."

"Oh." he chuckled. "When did you lose it?" he asked looking at her.

"Don't trip." She said as she smirked.

He stale-faced her as she laughed.

"Why you so cute." He asked as he watched her laughing.

"I'm not." she said rolling over the opposite way.

"You are!" he said pulling her back into his chest.

"Whatever.." she said as she faced him.

Roc got this feeling in his chest whenever she looked at him and he didnt know how to explain it. He never got that feeling with anyone else and he was almost certain that it was love. He wanted to tell her he loved her but didn't want it to seem too soon..and he couldn't say it. He never told a girl he loved her and meant it.

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