Chapter 8: First Day On The Job

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Roc POV:

Man this girl is fine.

"I don't know but you looking real good in them leggings Ma", I said as I stood up and walked closer. 

"Nigga bye", Alicia said as she closed the door in my face.

She's a fiesty one , i thought to myself . I like that *insert smirk*

I quickly put my stuff in my locker then ran out to join everyone else. When I walked out, Alicia wasn't even making eye contact with me. 

She's trying to play hard to get. Believe me, she's not hard to want..

So I'll make sure I get her.

Alicia POV:

When I walked out all the kids started coming in. I met them and we figured out names. It was about 30 of them and they were ages 7-15. It was an equal amount of girls and boys so I guess would teach the girls, and Roc would teach the boys.. 

Speaking of the devil..

Roc came out the back room and tried to make eye contact with me as he walked over. I turned my head as quick as I could. Dang! I almost broke my neck!

Oh & let me just get this straight...I'm not gonna lie ... Roc is very attractive. I mean, his caramel skin, perfect smile, huge muscles popping out his t-shirt. The lines of his 6-pack peeking through... just make you wanna...

"Okay class, I'm Ms.Smith. I'm the owner of Dance Forever Studios. These are two of the dance teachers that you will have Monday-Friday. The other two, Craig and India, should be coming in now", Ms.Smith/Janet said.

As if on cue, two dancers came in. One was this cute buff dude and the other was this really pretty girl. 

" Wassup Santo !", The dude yelled. I'm assuming that's Craig ?

"Excuse Me, Craig, you're late, and we've already started. Please keep it down.", Janet said irritated.

"Aw, my bad Janet, we got caught up in traffic", Craig said.

"Hey Guys", India said as she eyed me. "Whose that ?"

"I'm Alicia. Today's my first day teaching", I said, eyeing her back.

"Oh, cool", she said as she went to the back room to put her stuff up.

She seems like she got a little attitude. Another thing I don't have time for. Hopefully we don't have no problems.

{Picture of India on the side ~~> }

{Craig is obviously played by Prodigy }

After about 15 minutes of Janet talking to the kids about the rules & regulations, they split the kids up into groups based on their dance style. Roc taught break-dancing, Craig taught Hip Hop, India taught Girls Hip-Hop & Ballet, Janet taught Contemporary/Jazz.

"Alicia, you're going to be assisting India on the job and learning the moves this week. Next week, is when you start making up your own dances for them, okay?", Janet said.

"Fine with me", I replied sweetly. I'm trying to make a good first impression.

"Okay, first everyone stretch, then meet with your groups. Today is only the first day, so do what you can and try your best. We believe all of you will try to the best of your abilities. Well, I know y'all tired of me talking, so go have fun !", Janet said excitedly. 

After we stretched, I walked over to India.

"Hey", i said hesitantly.

"Wassup", she said as she sorted through the music on her iPod.

"We technically didn't introduce ourselves so I was jus-"

"Look, I don't know where you came from, or why you're here, but I just wanted to let you know that by you taking over one of my classes, you're messing with my pride and joy. Dancing is everything, and teaching these kids is everything to me. So don't screw it up!", she said as she got up and blasted the music. "Okay kids, welcome back let's get this thing started!", she yelled as the girls cheered.

Um rude much?

At any other time, I would have snatched that girl's neck so fast. But, I can't risk losing this job.. So I let it slide..

Well this journey is going to be interesting.


Welllll .. ? Comments ? Votes ? Follows ? Anything is welcome. Thanks to all that are reading! I really hope y'all enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy typing it for you!

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