Secrets, Schemes and Puppet Strings

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Chapter Four: Secrets, Schemes and Puppet Strings

I sit in stunned silence as Parma loads a PowerPoint up on the interactive whiteboard behind her and grins at me mischievously. What the hell is she on about? I have absolute no idea either.

     So apparently I am now to be part of a scheme. One of Parma Rose's schemes. Not one the school's schemes. Her Highness's schemes.

     Oh hell to the no. Not on my watch.

     "I'm sorry, wait a minute, you want me to do what?"

     "You will go on a series of dates with randomly selected guys in our school. And, if you like them enough you can choose to go on another date with them if you wish. We're doing this for your own good, honey."

     The word sounds absolutely vile coming out of Parma's mouth and I screw my face up in disgust. Did she really just call me honey?

     "And I would do this because...?"

     "Reason number one," says Parma, slamming a ruler upon the white board with a 'thwack'. "You would be crazy not to. This is the chance of a lifetime. Any girl would be jumping at the chance to be able to date anyone in the school. And there's no chance of them turning you down either-"

    Parma stops and licks her lips, and I imagine what spell she must have put on the entire male population of the school to allow her to do this. She probably slept with them all. That would be very probable: apart from being the most stunning girl in the school, Parma is also the biggest slut.

   "And reason two," she says, hitting the board with a ruler again. "You have no choice. If you don't play nice... Well, there's a lot more that I can do to make your life hell," Parma smirks at me.

     "Remind me what you gain out of this?" I question her, seething.

     I don't understand it. I mean, apart from allowing her to laugh at my poor flirting skills and sneer at my awkwardness when it comes to dating... Well, I suppose that might be it actually. It would all be a big game to Parma, where I would be the puppet and she would be the puppet master. 

     "I have my own reasons... And they are none of your business," she snaps, and I stop asking there. "Now, onto your first date -"

     "I get my first date already? Don't I get any preparation? Where will it be?"

     "It's not now, stupid! It's this Saturday. He will pick you up from your house at 10 am. Wear something casual."

     I frown in confusion. Casual? Isn't it supposed to be a date? "Do I at least get to know who it will be?" I ask her.

     "That's all part of the surprise I'm afraid," smiles Parma evilly, and I glare daggers at her. If she's given me a bad date I will make sure she doesn't lives long enough to give me another.

     "You'd better watch it Rose. I'm warning you."

     She merely laughs daintily, and winks at me before sauntering out with her three lackeys.

     I stand and rub my eyes, frustrated and exhausted from having to listen to Parma speak for so long with that high pitched wail that guys find so attractive.

     I've been trying to figure out something good that I can't get out of this, but my mind is void of anything, as the only boy I want to go on a date with is Luke. And the chances of him coming out of whatever draw they use to decide on a date for me are less than zero, with Parma being more obsessed with him than I am with Jelly Beans.

     And that's saying something.

     I walk out the door and almost bash heads with Marissa. I really must stop doing that. That's the second time this week...

     "Sorry! Hey, what's wrong?" She says, startled.

     My absolute horror as to the event I will have to participate in this weekend must be showing on my face, because Marissa is clearly close to running away from me.

     "It's bad," I say.

     "Oh dear," Marissa says as we walk back to my place, and I finish telling her about Parma's scheme. She's been sympathising and empathising with me the whole time but honestly that's not what I need right now. Although Marissa may be my best friend and like a sister to me, what I really need now are ideas - specifically, battle plans.

     And there's only one person ill get then from - my partner in crime; Luke Tripe.

     "Want me to call Luke over to mine?" Marissa suggests and I smile, knowing that she's thinking the exact same thoughts as I am. She's special like that.

     "Yeah," I agree. I get out my phone to ring my Dad and tell him I'm going to Marissa's but there is a text from an unknown contact on my screen, flashing brightly. I click on it uncertainly.

     "On second thoughts, don't tell him," I barely get out, staring at the screen, my teeth grinding against each other as 'One Hundred and One Ways to Kill Parma Rose' flashes through my mind.


     She doesn't need to say what I can't tell Luke. Marissa and I both know who and what the text is about immediately. And it suddenly dawns on us both why she is doing this.

     I feel a sickening feeling settle at the bottom of my stomach and the sudden need to cry takes over, something I haven't done for years. Quite literally, I never, ever cry. The feeling is so foreign I stand there gaping at my phone and blinking furiously.

     Get a grip Jess!

     "Oh," says Marissa quietly. Then she completely shocks me altogether.

     "Jessica, listen to me. You can't let her get away with this without a fight. You have to make the worst possible impression on these 'guys' that have agreed to let her do this. You have to scare them so badly that word gets around that you're the last person they want to date. Parma should eventually realise that her plan isn't working.
"You can't let her have Luke," she concludes breathlessly, the force of her gaze so intense that I take a step backwards.

    I gulp and nod, and it's as though our roles are reversed, and she is the strong one instead of the shy, quiet one I have come to know over the years, and I am the emotional, sensitive one. 

     Wow, this whole scheme of Parma's must have really messed with my head.

     "You're right," I say, and feel a sudden wave of responsibility wash over me.

     I have to prove Parma wrong. This is my mission. For the sake of myself and any future members of Parma's 'club' I must work this to my advantage.

     And to protect my reputation. I'm Jessica Nate, for crying out loud. Since when did I let anyone take advantage of me? 


Hi guys! Thankyou so much to everyone who commented on the last few chapters, I checked my laptop this morning and it says my story now has a grading in the 'humor' section! I know it's not much but I was still pretty happy :)

Morgan xox

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